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Topic: Which part first? (Read 1025 times) previous topic - next topic

Which part first?

I want to get the Trick flow kit but i dont think i will be able to save the money for it because once i have part of it save something will come up and i will end up spending the money on it and end up starting over saving. SO I want to buy it in pieces. I was wondering what all of you thought would be the best way to start.
Buy the Heads and intake and install them and wait for the cam change?


Wait until i have everything and put it all on at once.
I want to buy part of it with my income tax next year i just dont know where i want to start.
All the other pieces(intake, cam, lifters, rockers, etc....)


Which part first?

Reply #1
i was kinda in the same spot your in now a few years ago when i did my t5 ho swap, i opened another bank account that i couldnt take money out of, and put almost my entire paycheck into it  except what i needed for food and gas. i stopped going out to eat with friends, ect for like 3 or 4 weeks untill i saved like 3grand with both jobs. it was  a pain in the ass, but it was alot easier than searching ebay or swap meets for this and that.  if you cant get it all at once, and end up having to piece it together, i would get it bit by bit and put it all in at once so your not taking stuff apart again and again. and i'd probley start with the heads sence they are the most expensive, just keep em packaged so they dont corrode or anything, then you wount have to waite as long for the rest of the stuff.

Which part first?

Reply #2
Quote from: Nate;106275
i was kinda in the same spot your in now a few years ago when i did my t5 ho swap, i opened another bank account that i couldnt take money out of, and put almost my entire paycheck into it  except what i needed for food and gas. i stopped going out to eat with friends, ect for like 3 or 4 weeks untill i saved like 3grand with both jobs. it was  a pain in the ass, but it was alot easier than searching ebay or swap meets for this and that.  if you cant get it all at once, and end up having to piece it together, i would get it bit by bit and put it all in at once so your not taking stuff apart again and again. and i'd probley start with the heads sence they are the most expensive, just keep em packaged so they dont corrode or anything, then you wount have to waite as long for the rest of the stuff.

I wish i could open a bank account and put most of my paycheck in it but unfortunately i am married and we have 2 kids with a single income so my paychecks are usually spent not long after i get them. I am thinking about opening an account to save money in but i think i will wait until after my christmas club ends this year. I was thinking of getting the heads first because they are the most expensive piece and that would be out of the way. It will be much easier to save the money to buy the other pieces with my paychecks.

Which part first?

Reply #3
Honestly I would buy the heads first and prolly put them on soon afterwards. That's were the power's at. :D
2005 Subaru WRX STi|daily driver

Which part first?

Reply #4
Isn’t it cheaper to save up and buy the whole kit at once? Besides it’s definitely easier to install it all at once since the intake and lifters have to come out to change the cam.

Which part first?

Reply #5
I realize that it is a little cheaper to buy the kit $2199 as opposed to buying the parts seperately $2500 but i feel it would be best for my situation to buy it seperately otherwise it will take longer to save the money for the kit.
If i have already spent the money on the heads then i dont have to worry about spending it on something else. It took me 3 months and about $900 total saved at one point to save $600 for a trip because i had takin some of the saved money and used it when i "needed" something.
I will have enough money at one time to buy part of the kit so i thought i would go with the heads first. I guess i will wait to see what happens when my income tax comes around.