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Topic: My car is dropping dead already. (Read 1586 times) previous topic - next topic

My car is dropping dead already.

The past 4 or 5 start ups have been really bad. The car starts, sputters, goes into a near stall and recovers but sputters for a few seconds then idles. A lot of things have been going wrong with this car. Hopefully I will have access to my girlfriends dads shop with a lift.
Things I've noticed in the past few days...
Sputtering start ups
Clunking when letting off the gas from 30-35, not the drive shaft clunk but like mini clunks like the car is jerking while slowing down.
A lot of back firing when reving the engine.
Car almost stalled when I revved the engine with just the headers and precats.
A motor mount may be broken or loos cause my alternator cut into my battery, not serious though just a small gash in the edge.
The precats look like they aren't connected properly to the exhaust manifold.(i'm going to be replacing all the gaskets on the exhaust soon)

I don't have billows of white or black smoke from the exhaust or engine area. Oil is fine and tranny oil is fine, both are are less than 100 miles old, fuel, air and tranny filters are less than 200 miles old.
I'm going to change my spark plugs soon too, so maybe I have a dead one and that's why I back fire when I rev it high.
Should I try some fuel system cleaner and carb cleaner? Oil stabalizer? I can't have this car die on my so soon. I need it, I don't have the money for a new one, or the money to do major repairs on this one. I've only put 320 miles on it!

Re: My car is dropping dead already.

Reply #1
It wouldn't hurt putting in some fuel injector cleaner what engine does your car have?
87 T-Bird turbo'd and supercharged and if things call for it juiced. :evilgrin:
88 Turbocoupe t3, 4.10's, Daily driver

Re: My car is dropping dead already.

Reply #2
232 V6 3.8l CFI