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Topic: Federally Mandated Stability/Traction Control? (Read 4122 times) previous topic - next topic

Federally Mandated Stability/Traction Control?

Reply #30
Quote from: Thunder Chicken;105017
I think you've proven that one doesn't need a great degree of intelligence to drive in MO...

Glad I am going out west soon! :flip: :giggle:
'84 Mustang
'98 Explorer 5.0
'03 Focus, dropped a valve seat. yay. freakin' split port engines...
'06 Explorer EB 4.6

Federally Mandated Stability/Traction Control?

Reply #31
I'm all for the traction control on the cars except the way Ford does it now. I had an 01 Focus with traction control and when it kicked in you wouldn't move. It would cu the fuel off in 2 of the 4 cyclinders. If they would do it the way Chevy does it with the ABS brakes kicking in when it starts to slip that would be much better.

As for the seat belt thing. I'm 50/50 on when I wear mine if I'm going just down the block I just hop in and go. If I'm going to be driving long distance the belt goes on. And this argument can spil over into the motorcycles too. If you had a motorcycle would you ware a helmet. I know I would with out thinking twice. Its not a law in IL the you have to ware them. Would you ware one?

Federally Mandated Stability/Traction Control?

Reply #32
Yes, I certainly would. It's law here in NS, but one time on a motorcycle trip to Maine I took a little ride without one just to see what it would be like. Hated it - I was so paranoid, plus the bugs and wind near blinded me. I wasn't long in pulling over and putting my helmet on...
2015 Mustang GT Premium - 5.0, 6-speed, Guard Green - too much awesome for one car

1988 5.0 Thunderbird :birdsmily: SOLD SEPT 11 2010: TC front clip/hood ♣ Body & paint completed Oct 2007 ♣ 3.55 TC rear end and front brakes ♣ TC interior ♣ CHE rear control arms (adjustable lowers) ♣ 2001 Bullitt springs ♣ Energy suspension poly busings ♣ Kenne Brown subframe connectors ♣ CWE engine mounts ♣ Thundercat sequential turn signals ♣ Explorer overhead console (temp/compass display) ♣ 2.25" off-road dual exhaust ♣ T-5 transmission swap completed Jan 2009 ♣

Federally Mandated Stability/Traction Control?

Reply #33
Quote from: Thunder Chicken;105036
Yes, I certainly would. It's law here in NS, but one time on a motorcycle trip to Maine I took a little ride without one just to see what it would be like. Hated it - I was so paranoid, plus the bugs and wind near blinded me. I wasn't long in pulling over and putting my helmet on...

This wasn't aimed at you personaly. I was making a statement because the ipsd said its a law to help the insurance company pad there pockets and not pay out.

Federally Mandated Stability/Traction Control?

Reply #34
I can totally understand about not wearing seat belts. When I got my first Cougar in '87, it was about that time that the U.S. government started to literally blackmail the states. If the states did not raise the legal drinking age from 18 to 21, AND if the states did not create and enforce seat belt usage, then the goverment threatened to cut off all funding for the interstate highways and state/local routes. At this point I'm 17-18 years old, got my first car, and just as I become an adult (well, okay, physically anyhow LOL), these authoritative demands are unleashed on the state of Ohio, then ultimately trickle down to me. I get screwed out of buying beer, and I get forced into seat belts, at the same time. Welcome to adulthood, Eric.

Fortunately (and surprisingly), at that time the state of Ohio opted for a law where you couldn't get pulled over simply for not wearing your seat belt, but if you were pulled over for something else and the officer noticed your belt was not on, then you could get nailed for it. Oh, and they nailed people left and right. But it sure felt optional. And to be honest, I felt perfectly safe in my Cougar copuppies. I knew these were good, solid cars, built with better safety standards than most other cars at the time, and I trusted my abilities and judgment. doesn't work like that. It's the other vehicles that screw up that perfectly logical ideal. When the clouds open up, the angels start singing, and you finally have the epiphany that the seat belt is the only thing that prevents you from flying through the windshield in a moving collision, then you have second thoughts about not wearing one. It took probably 6-7 years before I started to wear it all the time. Yeah, I was young and rebellious, and more than a little resentful at the state and federal governments for their B.S. political moves. But I got over it--and luckily, without incident. Now it's just a routine thing. The only thing that makes seat belts interesting now is the broken-latch syndrome on the Fox cars. ;)

Federally Mandated Stability/Traction Control?

Reply #35
I'd wear a helmet on a motorcycle as well.  I haven't the time nor bike to get my permit yet.  But I know one thing, when they repealed the helmet law here in PA....a whooollllee lot of people died within a week.  Did they get what they deserved?  Not really...more like it was a slap in the state's face for thinking it was a smart move.  Back when it was first repealed, I saw almost every biker without a helmet.  Now it's only a few brave souls who I guess are out to prove something.

It is such a sad thing to only see change, official or not, come after multiple casualties occur.

Federally Mandated Stability/Traction Control?

Reply #36
I have no problem wearing a seat belt, and if I were into motorcycles I would also wear a helmet.. but I don't care for laws TELLING me to do it. If I  should want to remove myself from the gene pool by not wearing a seat belt and just driving until something happens, what business is it of theirs? That's between myself and the people I'm close to.

"But wait," you might say, "you were just supporting the other thread where California was suing the auto manufacturers for their part in global warming! I thought you generally wanted less government interference!".. well yes, I do sort of support it.. but that's litigation, not legislation. Given the two, as much as I dislike the whole lawyer-centric direction of society, I'll take the former.. and it's also against corporations and not individuals. It's also not being done with any significant amount of my money. :p (I may eat the occasional California navel orange, but that's about it. I don't watch movies, I don't buy DVDs of movies, and I don't drink wine.. so that pretty much covers the main sources of income I can think of for CA off the top of my head) Hey, I never said my opinions were perfect.. :p

Back to the topic: I don't think I would have as much of a problem with some of the somewhat passive nanny-state shiznit like mandatory airbags and traction control and ABS if they would put some more money into lightening these vehicles at the same time. New materials research, etc. I think it's sad how bloated these cars are becoming. I'm starting to think people should need a CDL to drive some of the bigger SUVs.

Federally Mandated Stability/Traction Control?

Reply #37
So let me get this stright Thunder chicken! So because I voice my opinion here and told you the basic run down of the Missouri driving part of the test you are saying that I'm uninteligent? I guess I should start calling you names for wearing your seat belt or having your opinion that they are just so GOOD. I think you have to much time on your hands. Maybe you should go ahead and vote and take everyone rights away just so no one could get hurt. So all in all I stick by my words I'll do what I want. So if you wanna do everything they tell you have a nice lame life.  So say what you want and type in response to this until your fingers bleed. I don't really care what you say about me. You obviously don't care about my right to have an opinion so why should I care about yours.
  Just to set the record stright I do drive defensively and not like a maniac. But I choose not to wear my seat belt so that makes me a bad person. OK I can live with that. So have fun I'm outty this thread.
84 Turbo coupe 2.3T Modded with 88 upper and lower intake, 88 injectors, E6 manifold, T3-4 AR.60 turbo, 31X12X3 FMIC, Homemade MBC , Greddy knock off BPV.
4 eyes see better than 2! 
Da Bird!


Federally Mandated Stability/Traction Control?

Reply #38
No, ipsd, I did not say you are unintelligent because of MO's driving test requirements. I said you are unintelligent because you said you think you should have the right to do smokey burnouts on public roads and do whatever you want.

The reasoning you gave for not wearing a seat belt is another reason I called you unintelligent. There may be hundreds of legitimate reasons for you to not wear your seat belt (There was a period after my car accident that I didn't wear mine because it was uncomfortable on my injured shoulder, and my sister had the same after hers because of her broken collarbone), but "Because I don't want to save insurance companies money" and "Because they told me to" are just plain stupid. Even a simple "Because I don't like it" would have been better than that. You even acknowledge that it's safe to wear them but cut your nose off to spite your face because you're told to do it. Using your same logic, the government tells you to drive on the right side of the road. Are you now going to drive on the left because they told you otherwise?

Now, as for your "It's my God-given right to do whatever I want" attitude: Sorry to break this to you, but it is not. Driving is not a right, as any DMV or policeman would be more than happy to tell you. When you get your driving license it is under the condition that you will abide by the laws of the road, whether you agree with them or not. If you break those rules you lose the privlege to drive. It is quite as simple as that.

Now, whether you chose to be "outty this thread" or not is your own choice. Take your toys and go home. Just please don't go trying to justify a stupid position (and since you acklowledge that seatbelts are safe surely you acknowledge that not wearing them is stupid) with even stupider reasons.
2015 Mustang GT Premium - 5.0, 6-speed, Guard Green - too much awesome for one car

1988 5.0 Thunderbird :birdsmily: SOLD SEPT 11 2010: TC front clip/hood ♣ Body & paint completed Oct 2007 ♣ 3.55 TC rear end and front brakes ♣ TC interior ♣ CHE rear control arms (adjustable lowers) ♣ 2001 Bullitt springs ♣ Energy suspension poly busings ♣ Kenne Brown subframe connectors ♣ CWE engine mounts ♣ Thundercat sequential turn signals ♣ Explorer overhead console (temp/compass display) ♣ 2.25" off-road dual exhaust ♣ T-5 transmission swap completed Jan 2009 ♣

Federally Mandated Stability/Traction Control?

Reply #39
Quote from: ipsd;105152
So let me get this stright Thunder chicken! So because I voice my opinion here and told you the basic run down of the Missouri driving part of the test you are saying that I'm uninteligent? I guess I should start calling you names for wearing your seat belt or having your opinion that they are just so GOOD. I think you have to much time on your hands. Maybe you should go ahead and vote and take everyone rights away just so no one could get hurt. So all in all I stick by my words I'll do what I want. So if you wanna do everything they tell you have a nice lame life.  So say what you want and type in response to this until your fingers bleed. I don't really care what you say about me. You obviously don't care about my right to have an opinion so why should I care about yours.
  Just to set the record stright I do drive defensively and not like a maniac. But I choose not to wear my seat belt so that makes me a bad person. OK I can live with that. So have fun I'm outty this thread.

'84 Mustang
'98 Explorer 5.0
'03 Focus, dropped a valve seat. yay. freakin' split port engines...
'06 Explorer EB 4.6

Federally Mandated Stability/Traction Control?

Reply #40
Who do you ask to lock the thread when the admin is doing half the arguing..? :p

, I'm just glad I didn't start this one. :shakeass:

Federally Mandated Stability/Traction Control?

Reply #41
I always wear a helmet when I ride. From my freinds 50cc to my streetbike-thing, I always wear one. It is personal choice but nce you drop one, you'll thank got you had it on.

Federally Mandated Stability/Traction Control?

Reply #42
Quote from: Bird351;105273
Who do you ask to lock the thread when the admin is doing half the arguing..? :p

, I'm just glad I didn't start this one. :shakeass:

Yeah, but the Admin makes valid points, vs. a buncha selfish "opinions"...

Myself, i'd rather save the money for the ticket, and quite possibly my life...I guess when ipsd buries as many friends and family as I have due to car wrecks and no seatbelts...well, then maybe he'll change his tune.
It may be your right to you OPINION, but it is also the law...I think if the state made seatbelt violations into moving violations, or more than just a might do some good.
Wanna see a good argument that belts save lives? google it.
Look at all the traffic fatalities...almost ALL are from unbuckled motorists...
Sorry, Carmen, for keeping a nearly worthless (and TOTALLY hijacked) thread going, but by God, some people just don't know how lucky they are to be alive.
And as far as freedom goes...yeah, you got some freedoms. Freedom to knowingly break a law that was made to save taxpayer money is not one of them. The more I think about it, the more pissed off I get.
You're free to voice you opinion, and with that said, i'm climbin' off my soapbox.:nkhk:
'84 Mustang
'98 Explorer 5.0
'03 Focus, dropped a valve seat. yay. freakin' split port engines...
'06 Explorer EB 4.6

Federally Mandated Stability/Traction Control?

Reply #43
"It's the law" is the part I don't like.

Personally, I have no problems wearing a seat belt every time I drive further than the end of my driveway. But if someone else wants to risk their lives, that's between them and the people that care about them. Not me, not the government, not some random opinionated person with no other connection to that person's life. I realize it's generally the christian way to meddle in other people's lives, but come on..

[SIZE="1"](and yes, I deliberately threw that last line in there to give even more reason to lock the thread)[/SIZE]

Federally Mandated Stability/Traction Control?

Reply #44
Quote from: Bird351;105277
(and yes, I deliberately threw that last line in there to give even more reason to lock the thread)

'84 Mustang
'98 Explorer 5.0
'03 Focus, dropped a valve seat. yay. freakin' split port engines...
'06 Explorer EB 4.6