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Topic: Wireless Network suggestions... (Read 4462 times) previous topic - next topic

Wireless Network suggestions...

My younger brother got a new computer for christmas and in the process of hooking it up to the cable modem through the router, I ended up losing my connection to the 'net.  (I destroyed one of the Cat-5 cables.)  And after fishing calbe through the basp00get and drilling holes in the floor I've decided I'm tired of g with wired networks and I'm ready to leap into 2002 and get a wireless setup.

Can anyone recommend a good (yet affordable) brand of wireless networking devices?  I'm thinking of D-link, but no matter what components I get I want to make sure they'll all be able to connect through all the walls. 

The setup will be as follows:

-Router and Cable Modem just inside the basp00get stairwell
-My computer upstairs (about 1.5 floors) - Signal would have to travel through the floor and/or my thin door
-My brother's computer out in the back room - Signal would travel through thin basp00get door and out into back room.

I'm wondering if the average wireless router is powerful enough for this setup.  Any recommendations?

Re: Wireless Network suggestions...

Reply #1
I've never had any trouble out of Linksys wireless devices.  They're easy to set up and the signal passes through walls/floors without any problems as long as you don't have any devices that would cause a lot of EMI, like flourescent lamps.  I work for an ISP and we have a lot of customers that use Linksys as well without any issues.
1987 Cougar LS 5.0

Re: Wireless Network suggestions...

Reply #2
Linksys is definitely the way to go. It's a more consumer-friendly version of Cisco equipment, which is like top-o-the-line. D-Link will give you a TON of headaches and errors. Remember, just because they sell it at Wal*Mart doesn't mean it's good. ;) It's cheap but it's not reliable. Stick with Linksys and you'll be fine.

I bought an Apple Airport Extreme base station for my home setup...running 4 Macs (and soon 1 PC) without any problems. It's essentially a router and a wireless access point in one unit...really convenient. Not cheap at $159 (that's with a discount too) but it's good for my particular situation. Had Apple not provided such an elegant solution I'd have the same equipment we have at the office...which is Linksys.

Re: Wireless Network suggestions...

Reply #3
I set up networks and repair computers part time, I would only use linksys. So many times I have had to set up cheap stuff like D-Link and even the Dell Brand and it is terrible. It doesn't have signal like 20 feet away. We have a linksys wireless access point which is on the 2nd story and even in the basp00get we get 4 or 5 bars. Linksys is the only way to go.

Re: Wireless Network suggestions...

Reply #5
Hmm....guess it depends on how you're going to use the network. If all you're doing is just hooking multiple PC's to the Internet connection, then 802.11b will be fine. That's what we have at work with DSL...pretty speedy. However, if you're going to be doing large file transfers between computers, the b spec is going to be really slow. In which case you'll want to step up to at least 802.11g specs. That is backwards compatible with b as well.

For the PCI cards, I hate to sound contradictory but I found the best deal at Wal*Mart. LOL! Seriously, I picked up the Motorola PCI card, 802.11g specs, for $39.68. It's the Broadcom chip spec which is the most universal with all wireless networks, and it has a more robust antenna than most other PCI cards. I did a lot of research on this, mostly because my Mac could not accept the newer Apple-spec g card, and I needed a good PCI solution. It's been flawless on two Macs so far. No doubt it would be just as good on PC's, plus it's just a local trip for them. Wal*Mart just happens to have the best price and availability on that particular Motorola card.

Re: Wireless Network suggestions...

Reply #6
So the standards go 802.11b ..... 802.11g.... then what?  I need to read up on this, but at the same time I need to get this system in place as soon as possible.

That the walmart piece you were talking about?  They have some Linksys routers listed on the website as well.

Re: Wireless Network suggestions...

Reply #8
There ya go....that is the card from Wal*Mart. That router from Best Buy is better and the price is good too. Go for it.

It's b (11Mbps), then g (54Mbps), then g+ or i (108Mbps), depending on what each company calls it. The i is a new deal that is essentially g with enhanced security. There are hybrid i's out there now but to no real advantage at this point. It would only affect i-spec to i-spec network transfers; no effect on Internet sharing.

Re: Wireless Network suggestions...

Reply #9
Well, bought it and hooked it up.  It works.  I guess.  I found that Linsys router for $59 at walmart so I bought it there too.  I have a signal, just not a very good one.  Always "Low" or "Very Low" and a speed of only 24 - 36 Mbps.