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Topic: Windows Issues (Read 2850 times) previous topic - next topic

Windows Issues

I have Windows Millenium Edition.  It seems like my System Restore function has been disabled by something or someone.  Don't understand it.  If I go to set a restore point, the response advises that it can not be done.....    Does anyone know anything about this?  This seems to make my system vulnerable and I wonder how this happened?  Can I run my restore disk just to correct this part of Windows?  Thanks for any help.

John R

Re: Windows Issues

Reply #1
I don't have WinME, nor do I play one on TV.

Some virus scanners will turn off System Restore in order to check the backup files too. Maybe it forgot to turn it back on, or it told you to and you forgot?

There's also generic instructions all over the Web on turning it back on.
Here's a couple:
Death awaits you all with nasty, big, pointy teeth.

1988 5.0 Bird, mostly stock, partly not, now gone to T-Bird heaven.
1990 Volvo 740GL. 114 tire-shredding horsies, baby!

Re: Windows Issues

Reply #2
Thanks Masterblaster.  Your info is very informative.  I can not figure out why ME Restore will not allow my attempt to create a "Restore Point." (States in Box= System Restore is unable to create a restore point--restart your computer).  The Restore, itself, wasn't disabled.  Now I know at least how to check whether it is working---I hope.  Thanks for the reply.  I do have Nortons and suspected that something might be lurking in the background. :shakehead

Re: Windows Issues

Reply #3
Various questions in posts that Google found:

How long is your computer on each day? Or is it always on?
Have you allocated enough HD space for the files to be backed up?
Is there enough actual space on the HD?
When did the problem start? Did it work before?
Did you install any Service Packs or patches just before that?

'Nuther link, with a bunch of links to follow...;en-us;303354
Death awaits you all with nasty, big, pointy teeth.

1988 5.0 Bird, mostly stock, partly not, now gone to T-Bird heaven.
1990 Volvo 740GL. 114 tire-shredding horsies, baby!

Re: Windows Issues

Reply #4
Thanks so much MASTERBLASTER for your research on my problem!
I just got back to this topic area.  I had logged onto Gateway's Tec Service over a week ago, one evening.  First, their tec gives me some bland typed instruction that I already knew would fail to correct System Restore.  So...I told him that.  His next line of typed wisdom:  Well, "you must not be the administrator of the computer."  Note, since you have to type your PC Serial #, I assume he must be suggesting that I am some kind of pirate or something(!)  I have owned this Gateway PC since brand new and it hasn't moved from this spot on the table since we carried it in here.  In fustration, I ended that session.  The Microsoft instructions in your link are complete with warnings that altering the registry to correct System Restore may cause you to have to reload Windows.  Microsoft suggests that the registry was changed and this caused the System Restore problem to begin with?  My questions would be  1) Who or what changed it earlier or 2) Was that change/action (without my knowing it) a possible externally induced "attack" on this computer?
I hesitate to make a repair.  Somewhat like playing T Bird mechanic...there are just some things that seem to be like a landmine.  You don't even want to touch it!  :bowdown:

John R