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Topic: Farewell to Alberta (Read 1698 times) previous topic - next topic

Farewell to Alberta

Reply #15
Quote from: Thunder Chicken
Welcome home ;)

'tanks. It's good to be home.

I just got back with the truck, and while I was there I gave the TC its first once over since I put it on the truck. Well, it apears my wife's definition of 'without a scratch' is a little different from my own. There was a box full of plants packed beside the rear quarter. There are no dents, that's for sure. But the box scuffed a palm sized portion of paint right down to primer. It was shiznitty paint, but it still sucks to see the car with it. I'll have to put some pennies together so I can get Macco. :bs: (It may even get a clear coat this time :hick: )

And that dented fender on the truck that washiznitting the side of the container, the paint is gone from most of the fender lip, and a few other good patches as well as one on the door.

My old beaters are looking a lot more beaten than the last time I saw them.

I guess that's enough good news for now. :nutkick: (this emote needs another guy kicking him in the head from the right while he's down)


Farewell to Alberta

Reply #16
Quote from: oldraven
:nutkick: (this emote needs another guy kicking him in the head from the right while he's down)