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Topic: Pioneer DEH-34 install. NO SOUND! (Read 1904 times) previous topic - next topic

Pioneer DEH-34 install. NO SOUND!

OK i have an 84 mercury cougar.  I rewired all the front and rear speakers (4) with yellow 16G wire i bought from a local car audio shop.  I connected the yellow wires using butt connectors to the pigtails on all the speakers.  Then i used butt connectors to attach the speaker wires to the deck's pigtail.  I took the ground wire and used buttconnector to a wire i used for a ground(couldnt find factory harness ground)  and took a screw out of the back of the metal and put the ground there near the deck.  as for the ign hot and always hot wires i tapped those two together and put them on the always hot lead (because i couldnt find an ign hot wire back there)  the deck comes on and all functions are a go.... except no sound  I even disconnected 1 set of speaker wires at the pigtail of deck and hooked it to another speaker... nothing.    Can anyone tell me what they think the problem could be? my guess is the audio output is shot?  also there is about a 12-14G wire in the speaker harness that is Yellow with black stripes? can anyone tell me what this is for? it does NOT do anything with key on or off.  Also on the deck there is a blue/white stripe wire with female connector for the blade type.  has a tag sayin remote something relay i think..... i dont know what that would go to? power antenna?    the wire has power coming out of it when the deck is turned on. but not when it is shut off.

    Sorry for the long post.  but i felt it was necessary with some of the details.  so... lets see what yall have to say about the reason id have no sound?
  Must fix this.... 2 kids... gotta have somethin to listen to besides fiesty lil kids and a redhead :-|
 Thank you

Pioneer DEH-34 install. NO SOUND!

Reply #1
the blue/white is for a power antanna or i use that wire for the switch on my amplifyer. as for not having any sound i would just check all the connections and if there are no issues there i would say the deck is messed up.

Pioneer DEH-34 install. NO SOUND!

Reply #2
You didn't say if you have prem. sound or not, that may be one problem, if you do have it.

Also, did you physically ground the stereo? Mine in my '88 has to be grounded to the dash frame or it won't work. But then you said you have no audio output, so n/m.

That blue/white wire may be something to look at too, I remember having to do something with mine to get audio from the speakers.
'98 Explorer 5.0
'20 Malibu (I know, Chevy, but, 35MPG. Let's go brandon, eh)


Pioneer DEH-34 install. NO SOUND!

Reply #3
Welll I ran ALL the speakers by hand directly to the deck.  So there would be NO premium sound.... just basic speakers.  I hooked up a set of the wires to a speaker in my hand/lap and no sound.. the black wire out of the back of the deck is grounded to the dash frame that comes down to hold the radio.  one question ill point out .... with the speakers running the ground from them to the deck... the deck will ground the speakers for you through the common ground right?