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Topic: Why buy hybrids if we can buy a Duesenberg (Read 1964 times) previous topic - next topic

Why buy hybrids if we can buy a Duesenberg

Reply #15
1 entry found for mutually exclusive.

mutually exclusive

adj 1: unable to be both true at the same time [syn: contradictory] 2: necessitating a choice between mutually exclusive possibilities; "`either' and `or' in `either this or that'" [syn: alternative]

Why buy hybrids if we can buy a Duesenberg

Reply #16
Websters definition

Main Entry: mutually exclusive
Function: adjective
: being related such that each excludes or precludes the other

So i just make myself look like an ass again assuming i know what a word means wont be the last time.

Why buy hybrids if we can buy a Duesenberg

Reply #17
So in other words, I was right. For teh win.

Why buy hybrids if we can buy a Duesenberg

Reply #18
They've been talking about this car for years. The release date gets pushed back more often than the Veyron, and no new sketches have been released since.

Oh, and Duesenberg is an American company. Or at least they were. Who knows who owns them now.

Why buy hybrids if we can buy a Duesenberg

Reply #19
So in other words, it'll come out just after Duke Nukem Forever..? :p

Why buy hybrids if we can buy a Duesenberg

Reply #20
Was duke Nukem Forever susposted to be a doomish type adaptation of duke?

Why buy hybrids if we can buy a Duesenberg

Reply #21
Gah.. go look it up.. it's only been discussed for like eight or nine years now.. heh.

Why buy hybrids if we can buy a Duesenberg

Reply #22
Heh i remeber blake stone i cant believe they are still selling all that old software.  you Bird 351 now you have me waiting for something that'll never come out.:raspberry

Cant forget Wolfenstien 3d either man good times. I want my BBS's back!!!

Why buy hybrids if we can buy a Duesenberg

Reply #23
Quote from: 20th anny 5.o
I want my BBS's back!!!

I don't.

Started talking again to a few of the people from back in my BBS days.. and I don't know if it's just the passage of time, all the bad encounters with idiots on places I've been since then lowering my tolerance for such , or my apparent permanent worsening of attitude after going through the first hurricane.. but the people I didn't like before, I dislike even more now. While I'm not ready to throw them out in front of a moving bus or anything, I sure wouldn't mind being there to take pics of it as it happened.. or, you know, sell tickets to the event or something. :p

Why buy hybrids if we can buy a Duesenberg

Reply #24
I am not sure if you folks are familiar with it or not, but last year Mercury showed a concept car known as the Meta One.

It was a twin Turbocharged hybrid deisel. The vehicle was also a Pzev vehicle.

It was a crossover vehicle, and produced 431 lbs of torque


Why buy hybrids if we can buy a Duesenberg

Reply #25
So they made a hybrid diesel Freestyle for mercury? and the beat goes on drums keep a poundin a rhythm to my brain la da dada dee la da da dada.

same ole copycat  new new powerplant.