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Topic: Has anyone seen this hood yet? (Read 1018 times) previous topic - next topic

Has anyone seen this hood yet?

I dabble mostly with older fords (for other customers...I will not spend the excess cash to fix old stuff for myself any longer, as it is a bit pointless with so many newer fox bodies out there)...I remembered that Crites has a hood for T-birds....

Has anyone seen this hood yet?

Reply #1
That hood is nasty.  It was on a car on Coolcats before.  I dont like it, but thats just my opinion.

Has anyone seen this hood yet?

Reply #2
1974 maverick lsx powered turbo car SOLD
1973 maverick Tijuana Taxi Tribute
1957 chevy LSX Turbo project (race car)
Owner of Joe Dirt Fabrication


Has anyone seen this hood yet?

Reply #3
I never cared for hoods with one giant scoop in em like that.

Really, as far as looks go...IMO on a thunderbird you can't go wrong with a cowl hood. It just looks like it's supposed to be on the car.

Garrett H.
'94 F250 XLT- 4x4, 5 speed, 7.3 IDI Turbo Diesel, 4" intake, 4" exhaust, 5" turnout stacks, manual hubs, etc.
'87 Thunderbird Turbo Coupe
Engine, wheels, tires, etc!
Exhaust sound clip
Another clip