87 3.8 wiring + 92 mark engine + 89 Mass air harness = ?????????
Well the motor is in and now i just have too hook up all the wires.....problem number 1 is where do i hook up the alternator? the chassis harness has the two plugs that hook up to a mustang style alternator, but my alternator is a mark VII and has two posts for ground and battery and two pr0ngs on top in a t shape?
Problem number 2: do i hook up the solenoid and ignition coil to the chassis or the mustang harness? as both can be connected either or.
Problem number 3: What is a BAP sensor and what does it look like?
these are just three of the things i can think of right now, but i'm sure there will be more later. Right now things are all going together so i could really use extra help in the way of just making a phone call to ask how do i do this? or have you had any experience with this problem? if anyone would like to help offer up extra support please email me at gnomercy@hotmail.com
So if anyone knows how to make this mark engine mustang harness and 87 tbird work your help would be greatly appreciated (lookin at you dare)