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Topic: Web Browser Issues... (Read 3260 times) previous topic - next topic

Web Browser Issues...

Ok, this has been bugging the hell out of me for two days and I figure someone here has experienced this before.

In the past couple days, I've been having web browsing issues.  My browser will sporadically time out trying to connect to different pages.  Then, if I try the link again, sometimes it goes right through.  Now, no one tell me to switch to firefox because I already have, I'd try to download a newer version if I could navigate that far into the site without it ping out on me.

Here's where the wierd part comes in.  I'm running a bit torrent downloading client and stuff downloads consistently, and until recently, my Trillian AIM client has worked just fine.  I unplugged the cable modem last night to try and reset it and nothing has worked.  I'm using wireless networking and that's all good, too.

Anyone have any wisdom to share here?  I really need this computer for school, to pay bills, etc and it's REALLY beginning to frustrate me.

Web Browser Issues...

Reply #1
What version of Firefox? Also, who is your ISP? How is your setup laid out? (i.e. modem directly connected to computer via usb, network router, direct connection to the modem). Are all the connections seated properly? Lastly have you updated and ran whatever virus and or spyware software you may have?
Temporarily Foxless? Ride the Bull...

Web Browser Issues...

Reply #2
Firefox 1.0.4, Time-Warner Roadrunner of Northeastern Ohio is the ISP.  The setup is as follows:  I have a cable modem connected to a wireless gateway/router via a short Cat5 patch cable.  From there, I have one of the four ports in the back running to my brother's PC, for some reason, his wireless won't work, interference I guess.  And I use the wireless in mine.  All connections are fine, and seemingly all is well (for now).  A month or two ago I did a few tweaks inside of Firefox that I found on the web, supposedly just allows it to open more tabs faster, seemed to work well with no ill effects.

Oh, should mention too, that my brother reports similar problems on his computer downstairs.

Web Browser Issues...

Reply #3
A note, I just upgraded to Firefox 1.0.7

Web Browser Issues...

Reply #4
Quote from: Ifixyawata
Firefox 1.0.4, Time-Warner Roadrunner of Northeastern Ohio is the ISP.  The setup is as follows:  I have a cable modem connected to a wireless gateway/router via a short Cat5 patch cable.  From there, I have one of the four ports in the back running to my brother's PC, for some reason, his wireless won't work, interference I guess.  And I use the wireless in mine.  All connections are fine, and seemingly all is well (for now).  A month or two ago I did a few tweaks inside of Firefox that I found on the web, supposedly just allows it to open more tabs faster, seemed to work well with no ill effects.

Oh, should mention too, that my brother reports similar problems on his computer downstairs.

This kinda sounds like what happened to me a couple months back. Something i'd be looking into being as you're on road runner, is to make sure that the coax cable running from the wall to the cable modem is tight and secure. I'd guess you're running a newer toshiba modem, and granted that's the case they seem to have a problem establishing a good ground through the cable wire. When/if your connection drops out again, watch your cable modem. See if the "cable" connection light drops out, comes back blinking, then goes solid again. If that's the case you'll have to call good 'ol TW to come out and check things over. When this happened to me it would go out 3 or 4 or 5 times a day, and the fix ended up being a new modem and new coax cables to connect everything back up. Oh, another thing, do you have a tap in the line to split the signal to a cable box? If so check and make sure that's it's rated for 1000ohms or better. Oh, double check your router and make sure it's not on the fritz as well, I kinda think that it's suspect that both the wireless and wired sides are having the same problem. So if the modem and such check out, eyeball the router next.

If all this checks out, I definately advise to try and install/update/run and spyware program you have.

I have a few other ideas that may help, but they're of the "next level" variety. So let me know if any of this helps
Temporarily Foxless? Ride the Bull...

Web Browser Issues...

Reply #5
Ok, couple new items to report.  I just installed a new modem about a week ago, RR sent it to me, said it was neccessary to install it before a certain date, etc.  I'm pretty sure it's a Motorola, not sure, it's down almost 2 floors, I'll check later.  It's only about half the size of the last one I had, thik it was a Wave modem, or somethin' like that.  This new one stands up vertically, has a USB connector as well as coax.  The thing about checking the light, is, the connection hardly ever fully drops out, just long enough to annoy the piss outta me.  It's really sporadic.

A good few months before that I had a no connectivity situation.  Couldn't get a solid cable signal at the modem.  TWC serviceman came, pulled out his super-mega signal tester and said the signal was too weak.  Inspected the coax cable and traced the problem to a faulty splitter.  Replaced it and it was all good.  I think if I get the motivation, I'll go buy a big roll of good coax cable, some connectors and whatever tools I'll need to basically re-wire the whole house.  Right now the coax cables are all too long, hanging all over the basp00get (all that is after the place where it splits to go to the modem, but it still needs done.) 

Anyway, end semi-related tangent.  Right now it's staying connected and only exhibits slow-loading pages.

WHoops, one more thing I just noticed, this might be the whole entire problem.  From the TWCNEO website:
Road Runner is currently experiencing issues with the cable network. Subscribers in the affected area(s) may experience a loss of connectivity, usually indicated by flashing modem lights and/or a loss of video service. Our engineers are working quickly to resolve this issue. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

Apperantly the northeastern Ohio division is on the Red "Alert Level" as far as network status goes.  So maybe the whole problem is occurring somewhere else.

Web Browser Issues...

Reply #6
Problem is either you DSL modem or Router I would first contact your ISP tell them your issue prolly take a few calls before they will replace it, if the problem occurs after that replace the router,  Now wireless router do have some issue allowing bandwith to devices connected to them via a cable try purchasing a shiznitch or dlink router and using it as a swich to eliminate this, but first disconnect your bros computer to see if it goes away. we had similar problems... Unfortunatly ours turned out to be the router. We have w comps on our wirelessly they work great but our webserver is connected via a cable and will not work properly connected directly to the wireless router we purchased a D-link 4 port router connected it as a switch and all problems went away.

Web Browser Issues...

Reply #7
The new modem you've described sounds like the newer Toshiba model. I personally prefered the older motorola's, but I think they were limited somehow in the speed area so they start swithing over to the new style. Anywho's I would believe that I would fall under that general problem area that you quoted Time Warner as having, granted i'm probably on a completely different segment. But i'd say wait it out a bit, and if you are still having a problem after TW gives the all clear then start the diggin process over again.
Temporarily Foxless? Ride the Bull...

Web Browser Issues...

Reply #8
Do you have good wireless signal strength? Once you get the cable signal issues sorted out, try running this program to optimize your TCP\IP settings. I have used it to tweak my computers with pretty good results.

Web Browser Issues...

Reply #9
Well, it looks as if I've wasted everyones time.  Today it looks like all is well, though I might still tweak the settings to squeeze some more bandwidth from it.

As for signal strength, it's consistantly "Low" to "Very Low" but it never drops out, and hovers around 36 Mbps.

Web Browser Issues...

Reply #10
Nevermind, stuff is loading slowly again.  This will be an ongoing thread.  I'll update it if anything changes. R:LKAJRAR!!

Web Browser Issues...

Reply #11
Take any thing hard wired to your wireless router off see if it changes, Wireless routers dont like giving out bandwith if that fixes it just by a switch to connect up your remain PC's 20 bucks your done. We had the same problem with ours.

Web Browser Issues...

Reply #12
I have a cable modem connected to a wireless gateway/router
Is there some guy sitting in his car outside, using a laptop with an antenna pointed at your place? You're not the neighborhood WiFi "hotspot", are you?
Death awaits you all with nasty, big, pointy teeth.

1988 5.0 Bird, mostly stock, partly not, now gone to T-Bird heaven.
1990 Volvo 740GL. 114 tire-shredding horsies, baby!

Web Browser Issues...

Reply #13
I'm not so much in a neighborhood, really. I live in a pretty rural area.


Web Browser Issues...

Reply #14
Here we are, two months later and my internet connection is still on-again, off-again.  Sometimes I have no connection at all using firefox, someitmes it's lightning-fast and sometimes it's slower than dialup.  Seems, though, through all of it, programs like Limewire and BitComet work steadily.  This, combined with the CD/DVD issuses I've been having (see other Wishlist thread) make me want to give up on computing altogether and go through severe withdrawals.  I'll be calling TW very soon.  Those bitches website keeps telling me my area has limited/no connectivity and I wanna know why, it!