Reply #20 –
I'm admittedly not around here all that much. Seems like every day I have less and less time to hop on the computer, but I THOUGHT I had subscribed to this thread at least... I was wrong! Anyhoo....
Did you succeed in cutting out the cigs, Chooglin??? My dad is still working at it, but making progress.
Thanks very much, fellas - I DO feel a lot better. 90 days in and I've gone down to mostly using 3mg juice now. 18mg to 3mg in three months. I think it's going pretty well. I have one vape shop that I frequent - gotten to know the owners pretty well. I'm an engraver... been working as an engraver for fifteen years. Well I have two vape pieces I laser engraved. One day I took them into the vape shop and showed the owners. We got to talking about engraving for them and it looks like I could have a new business venture to think about!
One of the owners of the shop was a Ranger. His best friend, who was also a Ranger, was killed in Afghanistan. So we talked about making a tribute to him. We talked about this for probably an hour or so and I ended up doing the engraving you see in the below photos. I decided to do this one for him at no charge. Well now the other owner, and another employee want their boxes customized as well. I also posted the photos below, along with the photos of two of my boxes I did on a vaping forum I frequent and have had a few people contact me to customize their stuff as well. I'm also engraving that shop's logo on a bunch of sleeves, and whatever else they should want.
This started life as a plain black box, except for the Sigelei logo...