T3 ar60 for sale..off a merkur.. Located in CT April 12, 2015, 06:38:40 PM So I have a used T3 that came off a Merkur. It was from a guy who is pretty well known in the Merkur forums (Jeff Labonte) so I trust that this turbo will be great for somebody who wants a upgrade in a 87-88 TC or replacement. Anyways it comes with a 90 degree inlet and needs a wastegate actuator. Play is normal in wheel and not excessive. Im using the money from this to get some body work done.$300 plus shipping with the elbowhttps://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-wLwjMY1C2to/VQ8ARiq2mCI/AAAAAAAAbc4/2bA2FGehhy4/w958-h719-no/IMG_2016.JPGhttps://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-uLZaI1CHljw/VSrxV-rlNvI/AAAAAAAAb14/BpbUfYY27qE/w958-h719-no/IMG_2557.JPGhttps://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-ztfd5ZZrApQ/VSrxWolYtPI/AAAAAAAAb2A/VwosdK4PwvY/w607-h809-no/IMG_2558.JPGhttps://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-c4BuuyOZiyA/VSrxXW9-o3I/AAAAAAAAb2I/z3Mh0FgPI1k/w958-h719-no/IMG_2559.JPG Quote Selected