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Topic: Battery blurb (Read 1266 times) previous topic - next topic

Re: Battery blurb

Reply #1
good article. lengthy and i didn't get through all of it. but interesting.


Re: Battery blurb

Reply #2
it took this guy all that time to write up details of batteries only to finally express the main idea in the final few sentences..........

yes i agree, an adjustable voltage regulator would marry up nice when different batteries are used over the life of a car.  a lot of people dont realize this stuff needs to be balanced out just right.  Good artilcle though, good info.

I was at a Marconi Power Conference in cleveland and there were many companies there introducing products as well as cutting edge stuff.

in telecom applications,, a typical battery string consists of 24 bats tied in series to produce 48vdc/1650 amps
each bat was about 1.5-2vdc @ 66-70amps.

One company that i cant seem to remember had a battery that interested me deeply.
a single 24cell battery is 48vdc @ 72amps(perfect for telecom applications) and had no hazmat.  the cells were silicone based and layered to where each "BALANCED" cell produced 2 volts and approx 3 amps.

the reduced the amount of batteries required for the same power plant in half!!!!  Its size was respectable also since it was the size of your normal tractor bat.

Another huge bonus was the fact that these batteries were not effected by the environment at all typical of what you find in gell/liquid cells. The temp coeficient / specific gravity ect ect was all thrown out the window.  No more worries about ventalation either.

this company is in canada somewhere , can't seem to remember who they are but thier name began with an "A".