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Topic: System sentry - can it be eliminated? (Read 1606 times) previous topic - next topic

System sentry - can it be eliminated?

Ok Ive searched to see if its been done, but cant find any threads pertaining to it. With some of the mods Im doing like the headlight relays, its becoming an increasingly not needed part. What Im wondering is anyone has been able to eliminate it with no problems and how did they do it. If it can be done relatively easy Im going to move the pocket to its place and put some gauges up in the pocket slot. Any help would be greatly appreciatied

System sentry - can it be eliminated?

Reply #2
Yes, you can throw it away, if you want. Systems sentry module is located above the glove box door from inside.

But I still think, that's better to mod that system than eliminating it. It's quite stupid system which can be modified easily. I will probably write some tutorial, how to improve the headlamp wiring, including systems sentry mod.

I had to fix the burned wiring in the trunk recently, so I'm using standard 5W resistors as the measurement ballasts for SS. They can be easily changed, if I will swap tail light bulbs to LEDs in the future and I will want to keep the systems sentry working.

System sentry - can it be eliminated?

Reply #3
Ya Ive done reading on where its located, but if you just disconnect it will it cause issues with the systems its hooked to?

System sentry - can it be eliminated?

Reply #4
I love those EVTM scans in your sig Trinom ;) thanks

System sentry - can it be eliminated?

Reply #5
Ive been looking at the EVTM's myself and I can find the system sentry on them, I was hoping to answer my own question on if it will affect anything.


System sentry - can it be eliminated?

Reply #6
No, it won't effect anything.

Don't throw Systems sentry away, it may be useful for someone else :)
If I were you, I'd just cancel the pocket above the radio, than systems sentry.