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Topic: Someone lost their mind on this one!! (Read 4879 times) previous topic - next topic

Someone lost their mind on this one!!

Reply #60
Quote from: ThunderbirdSport302;397993
We and our immediate predecessors are the ones who started this capitalist-till-we're-dead shiznit,

And nothing ever will. Obama, Romney, or some hash-slinger 24 years from now, the economy is FUBAR, and no one person has the magic pill that will save America.
It's pretty much a mathematical certainty that, fiscally speaking, no fix exists. I think 24 years before a collapse would be optimistic. I fully expect it within my lifetime. I don't expect a revolution like many do. Never again will the people battle the government in a violent revolution. History would just repeat itself with uber conservatism and uber liberalism dividing the country. At least we know the left leaning liberals don't have the guns :hick: With a complete economic collapse I predict most of those liberals will find themselves much more right leaning. What the country needs is a reset button. The USA has peaked, just like Rome and it's going to fall, just like Rome.

Think about it. the National debt surpassed 16 trillion recently with a budget (did Obama pass one?) of 1.2 trillion. It surpassed the national economy in 2011 and is already 104% of GDP. Nobody in history has ever amassed debt within this magnitude. Numbers like this get thrown around all the time so we're used to hearing them but what do they mean? Keep in mind, we are a nation of only 315 million people. With that said, Consider this:

Conceptualizing large numbers. How much is one Trillion?
    One thousand seconds is 16 minutes.
    One million seconds is 11 days.
    One billion seconds is 32 years.
    One trillion seconds is 32,000 years.

The national debt, is 16 trillion dollars or, 512,000 years worth of seconds.

What's it look like?
:america: 1988 Thunderbird Sport, Former 4.6 DOHC T56 conversion project.

Rest of the country, Welcome to Massachusettes. Enjoy your stay.

Halfbreed... Mango Orange Y2K Mustang GT
FRPP complete 2000 Cobra engine swap, T56 n' junk...

Someone lost their mind on this one!!

Reply #61
Quote from: ThunderbirdSport302;397993
people like me, making 30K a year

you make too much money and you should pay your fair share to someone who wants it,, anyone will do just make sure you stop being so greedy with all that big money your making and share it right now.  : )

Someone lost their mind on this one!!

Reply #62
Quote from: shame302;397995

 The USA has peaked, just like Rome and it's going to fall, just like Rome.

no we wont

there is a magical fix, there always is.

Someone lost their mind on this one!!

Reply #63
Quote from: jcassity;398017
no we wont

there is a magical fix, there always is.
Well, it's nice to see some optimism.
:america: 1988 Thunderbird Sport, Former 4.6 DOHC T56 conversion project.

Rest of the country, Welcome to Massachusettes. Enjoy your stay.

Halfbreed... Mango Orange Y2K Mustang GT
FRPP complete 2000 Cobra engine swap, T56 n' junk...

Someone lost their mind on this one!!

Reply #64
Quote from: jcassity;398017
...there is a magical fix, there always is.

There is no "magic fix".  To correct the fiscal tsunami coming our way, there is going to be pain and suffering.  There is going to be death and destruction and there is going to be weeping and "gnashing of teeth".  There is no one size fits all magic formula that alleviates the problems without any discomfort whatsoever.  Anyone that that truly believes that needs to have their head examined. We, and I am using the collective national "we", have to top spending. PERIOD. End Of File.

National defense is a primary, authorized activity, but it can be judiciously cut back.  We are not the worlds policemen and trying to fulfill such a role puts our young men and women in harms way for no national interest and is patently unfair to be burdening these warriors with a mission that is counter to their training, purpose and common sense. We nee to upgrade weapons and systems, replacing worn out and antiquated equipment as necessary.  To accomplish this goal, we should be spending money on research and development with one goal, to keep our young men and women better protected and keep them alive longer.

We can't afford, nor should we try, to extract ANYONE from poverty by TAKING from those that work, only to GIVE it to those that don't.  Notice I used the word "don't" instead of "can't".  This is no accident, because there is a huge difference between someone that can't work due a physical or mental limitation and someone who doesn't work because of . I hear plenty of people who tell me, I can't work because I hurt my back... well, your ears and mouth seem to work just fine, how about answering a phone for a living, there are plenty of people doing just that who don't have physical challenges to overcome. We all know of famous people like Steven Hawking who, it can be argued, contributed greatly to society and perhaps even the world, in spite of their physical limitations, but there are millions more that have similar challenges that support themselves on  daily basis, making a living, paying taxes and having families... all without being a financial burden on their neighbors.

We have allowed this mess to continue over the last 100 years.  It is our fault, it is also our responsibility to do everything in our power to recover from these well meaning, but short sighted programs, which have done nothing but slowly bleed our fellow countrymen dry and make them slaves to the government, perhaps more specifically to those who believe that they are smarter than we are and want to tell us how to live, from our first to last breath... assuming we are allowed to take the first breath at all.

Someone lost their mind on this one!!

Reply #65
your saying what i say, just figure out a way to do it and not drag yourself down.  when it comes time for me to step up i will look to my side and there you will be,, there are plenty of people out there who think like you, but in order to keep moral up, doom and gloom isnt a good pep talk method.

Someone lost their mind on this one!!

Reply #66
Doom and gloom was my method of operation for years. Met Nicole, had kids, got clean and sober for good between meeting her and the birth of our son. That went a long way in boosting my confidence and expelling the darkness and burden that I'd been packing. January 20, 2008 I didn't have shiznit to my name, other than some debts and a junk Tbird. In exactly one year I had an awesome job, a son, a fiance, and hope that I'd not had in years. And I did it all on my by god own.

I never had a  12 step program, but rather seeing what I had as a role model and wanting so much more than that for my own kids made me stop the liquor and the pills. I'm happier now, and I still don't give a  what the rest of the world thinks of me, nor I of it. I'll take care of myself and mine, and I'll help out those in need, but if you just sit around in laziness, then eff you, and GTFO of my way. As it was put very recently..there is a huge difference between "can't" and "won't".

I expect no less and no more from our leaders today. Sadly, my expectations on that aren't exactly met.

What I'm trying to say is basically in agreement with the last 2 posters: if you sit on your ass, then don't get mad when someone else comes along, kicks you outta the way and accomplishes some goals. Live and let live, piss on the rest, but I'll be ed if I ever take handouts.
'98 Explorer 5.0
'20 Malibu (I know, Chevy, but, 35MPG. Let's go brandon, eh)

Someone lost their mind on this one!!

Reply #67
Quote from: jcassity;398056
your saying what i say, just figure out a way to do it and not drag yourself down.  when it comes time for me to step up i will look to my side and there you will be,, there are plenty of people out there who think like you, but in order to keep moral up, doom and gloom isnt a good pep talk method.

I agree however, sometimes it's difficult to keep a positive spin:

:america: 1988 Thunderbird Sport, Former 4.6 DOHC T56 conversion project.

Rest of the country, Welcome to Massachusettes. Enjoy your stay.

Halfbreed... Mango Orange Y2K Mustang GT
FRPP complete 2000 Cobra engine swap, T56 n' junk...

Someone lost their mind on this one!!

Reply #68
Quote from: jcassity;398056
... but in order to keep moral up, doom and gloom isnt a good pep talk method.

In the first place, what I was saying was the unadulterated truth.  It is not my intention or desire to put a happy face on a serious problem or blow smoke up someones behind just to make them feel better or in the name of "good" morale.  Such practices are for the devious and brain damaged.  They are short term sweetness to cover for long term damage and destruction. That is like someone saying, "yeah, I am gonna kill you, but I am gonna tell you a joke first..."or maybe someone saying to their children, sure we can go to Disneyland next week, but you just won't get to eat for the rest of the year.  Real morale can be obtained by telling people the truth, even when they don't want to hear it, and then taking every action necessary to lead them out of the swamp in which we find ourselves, reporting accurate progress along the way.  People will see the light at the end of the tunnel and know that whatever pain they may be feeling, will eventually end and free their children and Grandchildren from suffering in a similar way.

Someone lost their mind on this one!!

Reply #69
Quote from: Crazy88;398071
In the first place, what I was saying was the unadulterated truth.  It is not my intention or desire to put a happy face on a serious problem or blow smoke up someones behind just to make them feel better or in the name of "good" morale.  Such practices are for the devious and brain damaged.  They are short term sweetness to cover for long term damage and destruction.

Exactly. I feel the same way. People tend to sugarcoat things far to much in this country to try and make themselves and others feel better, temporarily. While it's not entirely a bad thing, it has the end effect of making people drift further away from reality, and in turn never really doing anything to change their situation. There are alot of really lazy ass grown-kids out there still from my generation, and the one that came after, that have an extreme attitude of entitlement, expect everything handed to them, and refuse to lift a finger to help themselves. I'm 29 years old, I own my own 1400sq ft house, 6 vehicles, one of them brand new, all fully paid for, and I have NO DEBT whatsoever. I worked my ass off for everything I have. I grew up a lower-middle class kid, nothing has ever been handed to me once in my entire life, if I wanted to make it in life, it was up to me and only me to make it happen, and as a result I have a "hustle" about myself and a drive to succeed that most people don't have. I now feel sorry for the kids who have to grow up without having that instilled into them. They really will have a hard life, and I won't feel sorry for these people whatsoever when they end up being left behind by the people who actually make things happen.

Someone lost their mind on this one!!

Reply #70
guys, im not in any mood to sugar coat things, never have been, i just recently as of a couple years ago stopped doing something that i dont exactly know what the word is for it but its called,,,, toning down the politics here to a large degree, skimming the surface here is sometimes acceptable but be assured i have been locked down more than my fair share for breaking the rules.  I tried to clean up my act on this stuff because at the end of the day, your not alone so why build a water tower of politics here when theres plenty of "real" faces around you that have the same views.  Just a thought.... just so a thread doesnt get in trouble for this stuff. .. its kinda embarrasing and frankly its obvious we are crossing lines that shouldnt be.  Riding the edge can be fun, but thats kinda disrespectful to the good guys letting this thing go on as long as it has dontcha think?

Someone lost their mind on this one!!

Reply #71
Agreed ^.

Without scrolling back, I couldn't even tell you what the OP's topic was at this point, anyway. I'm out. :)
'98 Explorer 5.0
'20 Malibu (I know, Chevy, but, 35MPG. Let's go brandon, eh)