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Topic: Seat Fire (Read 1014 times) previous topic - next topic

Seat Fire

Hello everyone, I'm new to this forum, but I've been a long time browser here and at coolcats.  I'd just like to this is a great site, and tell you the story of my 86 bird yesterday.  So I'm with my girl and we go to pizza hut to pick up my order.  After getting my wallet she decides she would stay in the car as I went in.  As I'm paying for my pizza, she runs in and says my car is smoking.  Thinking that it's just engine smoke from burning oil, I slowly make my way outside, unalarmed.  As I get outside I realize it's coming from my interior console.  So after $hitting a brick, I rip the console control and ashtray out of the console.  Smoke barreled out but still no sparks or fire or anything.  THen I feel my leg get burnt, I look at the seat and realize that my seat bracket is on fire and the flames are slowly making their way up the seat.  So I pull everything out of the car, and beat it down with my jacket.  As the fire department comes he tells me it was my fault power seat wires, and that I would need to replace them.  It may not sound exciting but here in redneck Indiana that's way too much excitement for me.  I'll get pics up shortly as I get my cam running. Thanks :flame:

Re: Seat Fire

Reply #1
That sucks. Glad you're all okay and welcome to the board!

Re: Seat Fire

Reply #3
That suck....
Same happened to me last year..... (not the video thing at leats...)

I saw a little smoke coming from between my legs and i had the time to put my head under my seat to see that a stupid spring was picking in the harness of relays and motors under the seats.

The spring in question (one of those supporting my fat ass), was red hot and i saw the flame lightning, live in front of me... so i had the time to gave a little shot of my extinguiser and stop that carnage before it was too late....

It was pain to rebuild and repair the harness one wire at the time... 3/4 of em were melted....  Since this happened, I cutted a rubber piece the size of under the seats and fixed it between the wiring harness and the seats...

Dont be fooled.... your ass didnt get caught on fire because your too hot....  :giggle:  :giggle:  (j/k)
Glad your okay....


Re: Seat Fire

Reply #4
, that gti went up like a torch! glad yours is fixable. I had my center console short out on me too, but it wasn't very bad.