I passed! But I didn't get my license...today
So, after we get the paperwork sorted and all that, I take my test. I did very good, one mark. As we were pulling in, my dad was driving and he hit the curb, so of course I accidentally hit it on the way out. So, I did well, and I take my 25 question test. I missed 2 questions, nothing major. Apparently directly in front of the car -isn't- concidered a blind spot.
Now here's where it gets interesting. I'm waiting for them to print up my license when one of the DMV workers makes an announcement that there is an issue with the building and we need to leave the building. So, a half hour and 4 fire trucks later, we're told they're closing. I get my permit back and some papers. Apparently the building may have a gas leak, or someone entered the building with gasoline on his clothes. I heard both stories. So, I'll get my license Saturday after my dad gets out of work. :burnout: