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Topic: finally back on the site (Read 509 times) previous topic - next topic

finally back on the site

hey guys and girls,name is Dave Cruit..i was on here for a couple years and attended catjam 08 with my brother Dan and met a number of you and had a great time but havent been on for probably close to a year now,I was busy this past year with marital issues that ended in a dissolution and me moving into my own place and getting my daughters every other weekend etc mom was diagnosed with lung cancer the same week my ex hit me with the news also but on a good note at this time she is cancer free after losing her right lung and having went thru all the radiation and chemo.I also blew the engine in my Vmax and replaced that with all the other B.S. going on.definetely a summer to forget but i do still have my coug and she seems to be running fine(after the infamous headgasket issue)sorry to hear about the 2010 catjam not happening,not sure of the details but we can just hope for next year.I'm under a new user name since i forgot mine and am pretty much starting over anyhow.see you guys later

finally back on the site

Reply #1
Welcome Back Dave , Your old name was dcruit95coug on here friend.

Dan & Paula ;)


finally back on the site

Reply #2
Hello and welcome back! I'm glad to see your Mom is doing well now. And I know exactly what you mean about going through a divorce. I've done it twice. Now I'm getting ready to get married again, this one is for life. Just don't let it get you too down.