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Topic: 351 Cleavland Conversion (Read 1014 times) previous topic - next topic

351 Cleavland Conversion

hey guys, just stumbled upon this site, I recently also stumbled upon a 1989 Tbird for sale so I snapped it up asap as they are extremely rare here in australia.  This one has had a full right hand drive conversion and is the n/a V6 model but has a seized motor.  Because they are so rare over here they are almost impossable to get any reliable information on so I decided to try the internet.  I'm just wondering if anyone can tell me how involved fitting a 351 cleavland would be as I have one in the shed I was going to fit into another car but decided to sell the car instead.  A few people have told me over here that a 351 windsor will bolt straight in but the cleavland won't because it's too wide, but as I said I don't trust any information I get over here about these vehicles. Will the engine fit without too much hassle?
any help/advice from anyone that's done this conversion before would be greatly appretiated
thanks in advance

Re: 351 Cleavland Conversion

Reply #1
Since we are a Fox chassis group, I'm gonna refer you to these guys. They specialize in your MN12 chassis(at least I guess a '89 Aussie Tbird is the newer chassis. Maybe you could post picture?).

I will say this... the Celevland will be a challange, especially so with the right hand drive config and exaust routing. Hood clearance isn't good with these cars either, even the 5.0s required a shorter intake than the earlier Birds.

Re: 351 Cleavland Conversion

Reply #2
it's not actually an aussie spec one
we never got tbirds over here
it's a personal import brought over from the U.S.
it was originally LHD and converted to RHD by the previous owner
I'll take some pictures of it over the weekend and post them
it looks like the one in your signature but black

Re: 351 Cleavland Conversion

Reply #3
OK pix would be great.... If it is US spec, it should be a MN12 chassis as '89 was first year for those(maybe actually a '88-earlier?). But the Birds built in/for Mexico(possibly were Venezuelan or Brazillian mfg) were still fox chassis into the early '90s.


Re: 351 Cleavland Conversion

Reply #4
yes pix are great, i gotta see this thing rhd. its so odd i woulda never thought but i guess its reasonable  sence they are kinda popular.