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Topic: stupid starting question? (Read 811 times) previous topic - next topic

stupid starting question?

When I try to start my 88TC after installing a new TPS...(I forgot to mark the TPS before I removed it) the car starts and then dies...several times!!  Do I need to set the TPS before this thing will keep running????

stupid starting question?

Reply #1
The proper procedure would be to warm up the engine, unplug the IAC, set base idle to 700-800 rpms, and then adjust the TPS.  Also check the TPS for dead spots by checking the voltage through the full throttle sweep.
If you don't set the new TPS, you can have problems.  Also, check and clean the IAC.  That'll give you headaches also.
88 TC 5speed, 168000+ miles, stock 2.3T long block, ported RFE6 exhaust, Evergreen T3 running 15#'s.
Up next: FMIC, fresh air intake, ported intakes, ported big valve head.

stupid starting question?

Reply #2
problem is the engine won't keep running...Im getting fuel and spark.  I hear the pump prime the injectors so I'm thinking its something else???

stupid starting question?

Reply #3
Can you keep it running by bringing the rpm's up?  If you can, then your base idle is set way too low, the TPS is WAY OUT OF ADJUSTMENT, or you've got a pretty good size vacuum leak.  Check the TPS voltage with out the engine running.  Set it to about .90 and see if the engine will idle.  If it will, go through the TPS setting procedure again.  If it won't, try upping the base idle, look for a possible vacuum leak(uplugged any vacuum lines lately? go back and check them) or possibly a stuck IAC.
Also, just becuase the pump primes doesn't mean you've got good fuel pressure.  Good idea to check it while your there.
88 TC 5speed, 168000+ miles, stock 2.3T long block, ported RFE6 exhaust, Evergreen T3 running 15#'s.
Up next: FMIC, fresh air intake, ported intakes, ported big valve head.

stupid starting question?

Reply #4
is it safe to assume the car was having problems and this is the reason you changed the tps?

could there be more to post one than meets the eye?

ie- what is the purpose of post one?

was your car running fine and you decided to just swap the tps for no reason?

stupid starting question?

Reply #5

it would be helpful if you tell the man exactly how and in what direction you install the tps, then which direction to rotate it in,,(and how a man suddenly becomes able to rotate an UN-rotatable tps),,,,
as well as which wire and what process he adjust the tps voltage to ground

I know your helping but its very vague instructions.

and,,, you should never touch the idle on any of these EFI cars unless its been messed with before.


stupid starting question?

Reply #6
Scott, Your ASSuming... OEM and replacement TPS for the NA 2.3 & TC are slotted and can be rotated... Those do not fit a 5.0 application due to one of the mounting holes is offset...

Clockwise gives more voltage, counterclockwise reduces...

Adjusting the base idle is the first thing the screwdriver jockeys try, always needs to be verified...

And no I ain't going to explain the procedure, more than enough of this info already posted on the net... I believe NATO has the procedure in their FAQ...