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Topic: Here's a few pics. of my new Fusion. (Read 1901 times) previous topic - next topic

Here's a few pics. of my new Fusion.

Reply #15
:mullet:  They make shift kits for Fusions now? :mullet:

Here's a few pics. of my new Fusion.

Reply #16
Don't know but by the time it goes hopefully they will. I'm hoping it'll be a long time from now.

Here's a few pics. of my new Fusion.

Reply #17
Quote from: oldraven;264032
I prefer Black Chrome over regular Chrome, myself.

That is what I meant, maybe his parents need the chrome from his car and he gets the black chrome.  Sneeky like.

Here's a few pics. of my new Fusion.

Reply #18
I only have one word for that car, "VERYCOOL"!!
1987 Turbo Coupe - Son's car
1987 Super Coupe - Son's project car
1934 Ford - My project car

Here's a few pics. of my new Fusion.

Reply #19
Quote from: mcb82gt;264216
That is what I meant, maybe his parents need the chrome from his car and he gets the black chrome.  Sneeky like.

I'd trade them in a heart beat! But they like it too much.

Here's a few pics. of my new Fusion.

Reply #20
Quote from: FLSTCI71;264291
I only have one word for that car, "VERYCOOL"!!

Thank you! Not too bad concidering I've only had it a month now. I used to have to wait a while before I could afford to do anything to a car after buying it, but things just fell into place with this one and my the one I bought before it, which is a 99 ZX2. It's really been a great car to.


Here's a few pics. of my new Fusion.

Reply #21
Quote from: 1Bad88tbird;264113
Plus I noticed when you jump on it it kinda pauses then takes off like a bat out of hell. It's almost like you're winding up a rubber band.

You should try driving something with a CVT. :hick: The effect of dropping the hammer on one of those is actually called Elastic Banding. It takes a moment to get the pulleys right, then it surges to the maximum torque and stays there. It feels kind of like building boost on a low compression turbo car that never runs out of breath.

The only problem is from the outside, you sound like a goon who is revving the  out of your car and won't shift. It doesn't sound like it's accelerating because it never goes through the rev range and never shifts.