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Topic: Masontown, Pa. VFD Carshow (Read 1532 times) previous topic - next topic

Masontown, Pa. VFD Carshow

Hi everyone, I just wanted to you all know about the show my family and I put on for our VFD. All proceeds go to the fire dept. We average 100-150 cars, this is our 9th year doing this for them. If anyone is willing to take a ride, we try to have something for everyone. It's my Mom's goal to get 200 cars, we haven't reached it yet but we keep hoping to. You even have your choice to enter in judged, non-judged (like a cruise) or drivers choice.
Here's some info on it, there's also a link to our myspace page so you can see pics. of past shows.I know it may be a little too far for some, but I hope some of you will be able to come.

 Event Title:
 Masontown 9th Annual Car and Truck Show
 Masontown, Pa Fire Dept.
 Washington St.
City, State Zip Code:
 Masontown, Pennsylvania  15461
 9 am to 5 pm
Entry Fee:
 The Masontown VFD will hold there 9th annual Car and Truck Show on Sunday May 3, 2009. Reg will begin at 9am and run through 1pm.
Reg.$10.00 per Vehicle Judge.
Reg.$8.00 per Vehicle Partint Judged (New this year)
Reg.$8.00 per vehicle Not Judged.
Dash Plaques $ Goodie Bags 1st 150 Vehicles

Those vehicles being Judged will be judged based on Cleanliness, Quality, and Workmanship. All hoods, trunk lids, hatches, rumble seats and tailgates are to be opened.

Gas Pump style trophies designed by Final Score Trophies will be given out at or before 5pm

Top 10 Partint (All Years) (New this year)
Top 30 Antique & Classic
Top 15 Late Model Classic 1980-1995
Top 15 Late Model 1996-2009
Awards also for : Fire Dept.Choice
Largest Club (No. of Cars Present)
Best in Class Partint
Best in Class Antique & Classic
Best in Class Late Model Classic
Best in Class Late Model

Largest Chinese Auction in the Area (Over 100 items last year.) Food, 50/50, and Door Prizes.

Goodie Bags for the 1st 35 kids and door prizes. Model Car Contest, Coloring Contest, and Temporary Tattooing for kids.

For day of show info call Nick at 724-322-6954 or the fire hall at 724-583-7171

Check out at

Rain Date:
Contact Person:
 Linda Biskup 
Contact Phone:
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