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Topic: 1987 turbo coupe Superior, WI (Read 490 times) previous topic - next topic

1987 turbo coupe Superior, WI

Reply #2
lol, yeah, kinda backwards ain't it?  usually it's the non TC's getting TC noses.
1987 TC


1987 turbo coupe Superior, WI

Reply #3
I can relate to trying to locate a TC donor car for a header when the original gets rearranged by a rather large game animal.  When I still had my '88 TC, I tagged a deer and shattered the header and buckled the driver's fender.  I called every salvage yard in the book, and nobody had a TC.  For that matter, very few even had a standard Bird that was in reasonable shape.  I called the last yard and had already given up on asking for a TC.  He said he didn't have a standard Bird header, but he had an '87/'88 Cougar with a nice front end, and I was actually contemplating putting a Cougar nose on my TC.  At that point I didn't even care, I just wanted my car back in one piece.  Well, I get there and we go walking to the back of the yard for the Cougar, and something made me ask about a TC.  He said, sure, I have a Turbo Coupe, why didn't you say so?  And there it sat, with a near-perfect-shape body, with a blown motor being the only apparent reason it was at the salvage yard.  Of course, my car was dark blue and the salvage car was dark red, but once again, I didn't care.  I told him I wanted a driver's fender, the header with lights, the bumper cover, and the foglights.  First he tried to sell me the whole car for $800.  I'd only paid $900 for the car I was still driving.  I said nope, I just want the parts I listed.  Then he told me he couldn't break up the front end and I'd have to take everything, including the other fender and the hood, and I think that price was $500.  I still said nope and started walking away, and he did the ole' "gotta go check with the manager" routine and came back and said I could have what I wanted for $400, but he was really doing me a favor.  Not having any other options (and this was WAY before I discovered this forum), I took the deal and put $400 worth of non-paint matching parts on my $900 beater, which turned out to be a huge money pit over the next year until it finally got totaled when I was towing it home after the good ole' A4LD went up in smoke.  The responsible party's insurance company finally settled up with me a month later for $3600, which I c00ched faster than he could write it out.  This would have been about 8 years ago, to give you a time reference.  So my $900 beater that I had sunk another $2000 into over 1 or 2 years and was going to need a tranny replacement on top of that actually made me money.

Sorry for the long-winded tale.  The car for sale just reminded me of the whole sordid story.
