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Topic: Why do I ALWAYS have to do everything myself?!! (Read 1513 times) previous topic - next topic

Why do I ALWAYS have to do everything myself?!!

I ordered a gearset for the Cougar yesterday from the local speed shop.  He checked him inventory and said it was at their other location and he would have it later in the day.

He called the other store and I even heard him say the word FORD.

I picked it up just now and got home.  For giggles, I checked the part # upon opening the box.......

Yup....It's a GM gearset.....:mad:

Shame on me for not double-checking before I left, however shouldn't the guy who sent it over have checked as well?

I'm going back tomorrow to return it and yell like a mother****er!  This isn't the first time they've ****ed up.  It IS the first time I didn't catch it before I left the store.

:mad: :mad: :mad:
-- 05 Mustang GT-Whipplecharged !!
--87 5.0 Trick Flow Heads & Intake - Custom Cam - Many other goodies...3100Lbs...Low12's!

Why do I ALWAYS have to do everything myself?!!

Reply #1
cause you are the only one who knows how to do it right.

just went thru a similar ordeal at the tire shop. freakin monkeys that work there cannot even properly tighten lugnuts. mine were overtightened to a tune ranging from 110-150+ ft/lbs
had to break one off to get the wheels off when i got home = not a happy camper. and they found out about it too. they no longer get to use an impact on any of my vehicles. this was on my DD, when the tbird gets tires, i just take them the wheels.....they never see the car.
gumby - beauty may fade, but stupid is forever!

Why do I ALWAYS have to do everything myself?!!

Reply #2
Quote from: gumby;239150
cause you are the only one who knows how to do it right.

just went thru a similar ordeal at the tire shop. freakin monkeys that work there cannot even properly tighten lugnuts. mine were overtightened to a tune ranging from 110-150+ ft/lbs
had to break one off to get the wheels off when i got home = not a happy camper. and they found out about it too. they no longer get to use an impact on any of my vehicles. this was on my DD, when the tbird gets tires, i just take them the wheels.....they never see the car.

Been doing that ever since they tightened my wheels on the 88 tbird with an impact.....on security star lugs!!!  (or whatever they're called)  I knew they did it, passed it off for a couple years, until I tried to remove them when sping the car.  Boy, I was reminded in a big way why I didn't bring the whole car/truck in
1987 TC

Why do I ALWAYS have to do everything myself?!!

Reply #3
Quote from: gumby;239150
cause you are the only one who cares


That is the issue right there.  People just don't care enough to take the time to do things right.

The only only time anyone has had my car and worked on it was when it got painted.  I have one place I go to get tires mounted and I only let one guy there work on them and I make sure they do just what I tell them to.  They never see the car, just the wheels/tires
Long live the 4-eyes!  - '83 Tbird Turbo - '85 Marquis LTS - '86 LTD Wagon

Why do I ALWAYS have to do everything myself?!!

Reply #4
Quote from: Chuck W;239179
seriously, this place does use a torque wrench; whats so hard about actually using it properly ??

if i had a tire machine and balancer, none of my vehicles would go ANYWHERE for service...i already do my own alignments with strings. maybe i should look into one of those tire stands and bubble balancers.
gumby - beauty may fade, but stupid is forever!

Why do I ALWAYS have to do everything myself?!!

Reply #5
Quote from: Chuck W;239179
People just don't care enough to take the time to do things right.

Or don't know how to look on the shelf to see if they have the part...

Case in point, went to Advance Friday and asked for a set of eight 764 Autolite plugs for the '93 Grand Marquis(only had 90K on them)...

Sales clurk... What kind of car is this for????

Me... You can't walk back there and grab them off the shelf???

clurk... Blank stare...

Me...  OK I just want to get out of here, they are for a '93 Grand Marquis...

clurk... After looking them up, "is that a eight cylinder"...


I'd have been screwed if I wanted plugs for the Trick Flow heads on my Tbird...

Why do I ALWAYS have to do everything myself?!!

Reply #6
Quote from: Chuck W;239179

That is the issue right there.  People just don't care enough to take the time to do things right.

The only only time anyone has had my car and worked on it was when it got painted.  I have one place I go to get tires mounted and I only let one guy there work on them and I make sure they do just what I tell them to.  They never see the car, just the wheels/tires

Indeed. Which is why living in an apartment blows. Especially one that frowns on performing vehicle maintenance in the parking lot. Not that I really want to. I reluctantly took the car into the dealer on Friday. I'll be  if they did fix the problem for all of 18hrs. I cannot wait to get garage. :(
2005 Subaru WRX STi|daily driver

Why do I ALWAYS have to do everything myself?!!

Reply #7
The only only time anyone has had my car and worked on it was when it got painted.

Besides myself there are 2 people whom I trust to work on my cars....They built a 1600 HP Mustang....he had the Chassis done by Montana Bros.  The car is the first one in this link: 

It's now finished and has a full interior minus radio and A/C only.
-- 05 Mustang GT-Whipplecharged !!
--87 5.0 Trick Flow Heads & Intake - Custom Cam - Many other goodies...3100Lbs...Low12's!

Why do I ALWAYS have to do everything myself?!!

Reply #8
I'm tellin ya guys, Get a "Mark"
Been dealing with the same part's guy for 3 decades, I don't deal with anybody else, If Mark is on his day off then I wait. Mark gives me the same discount they give business's. And mark ALWAYS get's the right part. Mark changed part stores he worked for, I changed part stores I bought from.
If I help my daughter or son work on there cars they get the part's from mark or they do it themselves. Both have tried to save them selves $2 and bought them elsewhere only to find it was the wrong  part and had to spend $4 in gas to go get the right part.
If you just walk in, find the first gomer that will wait on you, then that's what your going to get, a gomer, probably fresh out of high school auto mechanics class that can't do squat (find a spark plug) without going through his trained procedure.
You would shop arround to find parts, Spend a day shopping arround to find a "Parts Guy". program his name and nuber into your phone, then introduce your self to him and deal with him directly and exclusivly. Soon he will know your car's, he will know your wife, brother, sister, son's daughter. He will know when you buy a new car, when you get rid of your old, he will remember the rear brakes on your 88 T-bird are from a 84 lincoln. WTF that spark plug guy above going to do with THAT little bit of info.
:birdsmily:   Objects In Mirror Appear to be Loosing  :birdsmily:

Why do I ALWAYS have to do everything myself?!!

Reply #9
Quote from: V8Demon;239194
Besides myself there are 2 people whom I trust to work on my cars....They built a 1600 HP Mustang....he had the Chassis done by Montana Bros.  The car is the first one in this link: 

It's now finished and has a full interior minus radio and A/C only.

check out the bird in their completed cars section of the site:

Why do I ALWAYS have to do everything myself?!!

Reply #10
Quote from: TurboCoupe50;239185
Or don't know how to look on the shelf to see if they have the part...

Case in point, went to Advance Friday and asked for a set of eight 764 Autolite plugs for the '93 Grand Marquis(only had 90K on them)...

Sales clurk... What kind of car is this for????

Me... You can't walk back there and grab them off the shelf???

clurk... Blank stare...

Me...  OK I just want to get out of here, they are for a '93 Grand Marquis...

clurk... After looking them up, "is that a eight cylinder"...


I'd have been screwed if I wanted plugs for the Trick Flow heads on my Tbird...

thats a software thing,, he has to go in order of how his pages pop up.  The lack of his memory and you telling him is no exuse.

Why do I ALWAYS have to do everything myself?!!

Reply #11
Quote from: Jim_Miller;239213
WTF that spark plug guy above going to do with THAT little bit of info.

But the Advance is only about four blocks from home, I can walk over... Generally they have decent help, but was a bunch of new faces in there Fri...

Still, It's a good point on finding a place you can deal one on one...


Why do I ALWAYS have to do everything myself?!!

Reply #12
Quote from: jcassity;239220
thats a software thing,, he has to go in order of how his pages pop up.  The lack of his memory and you telling him is no exuse.

no, its not a software thing. tom gave him the part number. all the kid has to do is either walk back to the shelf and look,  or hit one key(F5) for a parts look up to check his inventory. i sling parts at an advance in the evenings; i am "mark" for many of my customers....
gumby - beauty may fade, but stupid is forever!