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Topic: Happy St. Pattys day... what not to do (Read 1477 times) previous topic - next topic

Happy St. Pattys day... what not to do

A few pointers in retrospect: :deal:

Do not  :nono:  go out with co-workers to a bar
Do not  :nono:  say you'll ony have one or two
Do not  :nono: drink all the freebies because a co-worker knows the bartender :cheers:
Do not  :nono: leave much later than you wanted to
Do not  :nono: do 70+ in a 30mph speed zone
Do not  :nono: pass the cop at 70 in a 30mph zone when he has his radar on

Do  :grinno:  pull over asap
Do  :grinno: shut the car/lights off
Do  :grinno: place your hands on the wheel and interior lights on
Do  :grinno: be honest
Do  :grinno: tell him where you work
Do  :grinno: let him see your FD creds.
Do  :grinno: be polite
Do  :grinno: get home safely when let off by the extremely nice police officer.

...and I learned that the hard way... hope everyone is safer(er)

Re: Happy St. Pattys day... what not to do

Reply #1
So you went out, got plastered, and drove home? Yeah, real genius move there.

Re: Happy St. Pattys day... what not to do

Reply #2
actually, I only had enough to give me a low buzz... however police still don't like that.

Re: Happy St. Pattys day... what not to do

Reply #3
It's good that you didn't exceed your limit (BAC), right? There's nothing wrong with having a beer or two and driving - as long as you can process the alcohol. You're a big tall guy, so you can have more than the average person and still be under the limit.
I've had a few close calls just like that, minus the alcohol.

Re: Happy St. Pattys day... what not to do

Reply #4
say you'll ony have one or two
drink all the freebies because a co-worker knows the bartender

Somehow, I don't believe you just had a buzz. I'm not saying driving after a beer or two is out of the question, but just leave it at two.

Re: Happy St. Pattys day... what not to do

Reply #5
drinking at all and THEN goin out and doing
Do not  do 70+ in a 30mph speed zone
...dorry dude, makes you kind of an assclown in this situation...that shiznit realy  me off......

makes me think of my family, my 17 month old daughter. if anyone ever hurt her, ever.

on another note...i cant stand it when the little punk "firefighters"/dispatch aka helpers and volinteers arount my town think they own the place....sure they are doing great things helping people in need but that doesnt give them a free f'n pass to do dumb shiznit like 70 in a 30etc...

and im not immune, im no angel...ive done my share of all the stupid stuff. harressed by the police around my home town for years cause i was a dumbie. the thing is, I GREW UP...for the most part anyway.
:america: 1988 Thunderbird Sport, Former 4.6 DOHC T56 conversion project.

Rest of the country, Welcome to Massachusettes. Enjoy your stay.

Halfbreed... Mango Orange Y2K Mustang GT
FRPP complete 2000 Cobra engine swap, T56 n' junk...

Re: Happy St. Pattys day... what not to do

Reply #6
You used your volley FD credentials to get out of a DWI?  That kind of move makes it tough for a career firefighter to get respect from cops when we get pulled over.  That is a real abuse of a FD badge.
1988 Thunderbird
5.0 HO, t5, TC rear, TC brakes, etc. - Gone

Re: Happy St. Pattys day... what not to do

Reply #7
Wow.  I never saw and of this  :laughing: coming...
1987 Cougar LS 5.0

Re: Happy St. Pattys day... what not to do

Reply #8
1- I wasnt drunk, I was barely buzzed... I had like 5 or 6 beers in the matter of 3 hours... I am also 6'6" 370lbs...

2- I didnt use my FD creds to get out of a DWI (mostly because there was no DWI) but it dosent hurt against a speeding ticket. I also know some cops hate firefighters so they hit us even harder. He never saw my badge or anything, just the light in my window and asked why it was there.

3- He asked where I worked so thats how he got that information.

4- The 70 in a 30 is a speed trap area, and I have never been there before. It is a 4 lane highway that goes from 50 to 30 just before the intersection (was told that it is a popular speed trap by a co-worker today) What a child would be doing playing between a curb and a concrete divider is beyond me... espically an unsupervised infant.

5- just posting my close call. Again, for you short attention span people, I was not drunk, I did not flash my badge he saw my light, was a 4 lane highway at 1130pm. This is only the 3rd time I was ever pulled over. The prior times were speeding  (With Mercoug302 [Bill]) on i-95N in MD and because a local police officer said my car was too loud.

Re: Happy St. Pattys day... what not to do

Reply #9
very much NOT the way your original post sounds for one...

for one...chances are if your buzzed, you are over the legal limit to drive.

and i was referring to if some one that thought they were "fine to drive" because they were only "a little buzzed" (heard it a million times and seen it too many times) were to say cause some sort of accident or incedent, god forbid involving anyone innocent never mind someone i care about. happenes all the time.

my child would never be playing anywhere dangerous nevermind without supervision.
:america: 1988 Thunderbird Sport, Former 4.6 DOHC T56 conversion project.

Rest of the country, Welcome to Massachusettes. Enjoy your stay.

Halfbreed... Mango Orange Y2K Mustang GT
FRPP complete 2000 Cobra engine swap, T56 n' junk...

Re: Happy St. Pattys day... what not to do

Reply #10
What road were you on?
-- 05 Mustang GT-Whipplecharged !!
--87 5.0 Trick Flow Heads & Intake - Custom Cam - Many other goodies...3100Lbs...Low12's!

Re: Happy St. Pattys day... what not to do

Reply #11
Vets Hwy


Re: Happy St. Pattys day... what not to do

Reply #12
hehe okay guys, I think he knows he made a mistake.  I can understand his situation, and I'm glad that nobody was hurt.  I for one will NEVER drive after drinking, even if its just one or two. ( One of my Friends was killed by a Drunk driver when I was very young, and that sticks with someone.)  All I ask is just think before you do somthing....our lives all revolve around the choices we make....both good and bad. Stay safe.
88 TC, Lots of Mods.