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Topic: im getting a tatoo (Read 3021 times) previous topic - next topic

im getting a tatoo

Reply #15
Quote from: jcassity;221906
For the amount of times you used the above word,, I never once implied nor said the words. 

He did however ask what we thought.  I thought i was was rather polite as well. 

What ?

im getting a tatoo

Reply #16
Quote from: LittleAngel1198;221942
What ?

that was just a little insurance policy making sure you understood I also see nothing wrong with getting a tat, therefore your opening statement really served no purpose in reply to me,, thats all.

nothing more , nothing less.  I do like tats btw but I have none to date.  The aids scare going on in the late 80's / early 90's probably got me skitish on the subject and while in the Navy as long as i was, i never ended up with one.

im getting a tatoo

Reply #17
Jcassity, you have a PM...I am not going to discuss this with you any further here.

im getting a tatoo

Reply #18
Quote from: LittleAngel1198;222168
Jcassity, you have a PM...I am not going to discuss this with you any further here.

:rollin: :rollin: :rollin:
your funny.  You know that if you pm someone, they get the pm and a possible pop up telling them they got a pm,, right?  of course im right.

so yet again, another statement you make that serves no purpose other than you making a bone chilling expression to everyone abroad that """im pissed,, your gonna hear from me on pm""",,:flip:

chill would you,, your a good person, stop taking  wrong.

stop staining a decent thread.

im getting a tatoo

Reply #19
"And another one bites the dust."

im getting a tatoo

Reply #20
Quote from: jcassity;222343

chill would you,, your a good person, stop taking  wrong.

stop staining a decent thread.

LMAO, she has a bad habit of doing that dont she?  what a pain in the ass.....:toilet:
Saying she sent a PM to you on here is like a mother telling her kid. "you wait til your father gets home...."  only diference is here, nobody cares or is affraid of her.

im getting a tatoo

Reply #21
Hey RJ... :flip:  :p


im getting a tatoo

Reply #22
doesnt bother me none, I grew up getting that from people, plus My GF left me a couple weekes ago and I am drunk right now...  so :flip: :flip: :flip:  back at ya!!!!!  Truth hurt?