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At this point in time or overall vote how you feel about me. Also Votes are Public

Total Members Voted: 6

Topic: Voting on at this point in time who likes or dislikes me or who does not care. (Read 458 times) previous topic - next topic

Voting on at this point in time who likes or dislikes me or who does not care.

Just a simple vote just stop by and vote or if you post something and want to simply copy your vote pick and post it.

Sorry i have been kind of a jerk lately but it happens sometimes. This site is about the only car site i even like anymore so i want to make about 80% of you happy or have you still at a point where you can stand me. Can't make everyone happy but maybe a vote will help clear your mind or at least we will know what you are thinking.
1987 T-Bird AEROBIRD-GT had many many mods but is now totaled and is the car that made me want to start customizing everything all over again.
1988 T-Bird 5.0 HO DD/Sleeper/next project car :birdsmily:
1988 Cougar XR7 5.0 HO Vortech Supercharged being bulit right now :cougarsmily:

Voting on at this point in time who likes or dislikes me or who does not care.

Reply #1
Dude, you take too much to heart! We LOVE you man!! You give us great humor!(just kidding) I dont think people dislike you. You just always seem to leave yourself wide open for a kick to the nuts, sort of like you did by starting this thread. Just RELAX & do your thing.

Voting on at this point in time who likes or dislikes me or who does not care.

Reply #2
Quote from: dw43935;220839
You just always seem to leave yourself wide open for a kick to the nuts, sort of like you did by starting this thread. Just RELAX & do your thing.

Twin '85 TCs
White/ Grey 2-tone
#1 (left): undergoing top-to-bottom rebuild     
#2 (right): DD, power everything (sorta)

Voting on at this point in time who likes or dislikes me or who does not care.

Reply #3
I dont have a problem with you or anyone else here
1974 maverick lsx powered turbo car SOLD
1973 maverick Tijuana Taxi Tribute
1957 chevy LSX Turbo project (race car)
Owner of Joe Dirt Fabrication

Voting on at this point in time who likes or dislikes me or who does not care.

Reply #4

Bird351, is that you?

Seriously, we're not the type of board to give a  if we all like each other or not. Mostly because we're not the hateful kind, though I'm beginning to wonder lately. Some of the threads are such flame fests that I'm wondering if I'm on the right board. Some posters throwing out PERSONAL INSULTS at people they've never met before, just to sound 'witty'. (tearing the life out of the kid last week is a perfect example of people getting out of hand. If all we do is nay-say, nothing unique will ever happen to these cars, and we'll be just as much in the shadow of the Mustang as ever).

Don't take the jabs to heart, because 90% of the time, they're just people having fun. For those other times when someone tears into you, just remember that it's the other poster who's being an arsehole.


Voting on at this point in time who likes or dislikes me or who does not care.

Reply #5
You're fine.You can't take anything personal.Just be who you are and do your best at what you're doing.There will always be people who won't like you or what you do,and there will be those that do.Don't let things bother you.We're all grown ups around here.We're here because of a common interest of these cars.You share the same interest,so it's all good.Don't sweat the petty stuff.
'88 Sport--T-5,MGW shifter,Trick Flow R intake,Ed Curtis cam,Trick Flow heads,Scorpion rockers,75mm Accufab t-body,3G,mini starter,Taurus fan,BBK long tube headers,O/R H-Pipe, Flowamaster Super 44's, deep and deeper Cobra R wheels, Mass Air and 24's,8.8 with 3.73's,140 mph speedo,Mach 1 chin spoiler,SN-95 springs,CHE control arms,aluminum drive shaft and a lot more..