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Topic: Divorce (Read 832 times) previous topic - next topic


Well, I sort of fell off the face of the earth the past year and a half due to the fact I was going through divorce.  It was final in September of 2007, and I now feel like I finally got my life back.  The poor T-bird was functioning as my family car day in and day out to tote my 2 kids around in.  Certainly not ideal in stop and go traffic with the stiff clutch behind the 5 speed and poly bushings making the ride very rough and no AC. But it held up and started every day, though in desperate need of brakes and struts and a host of misc maintenance that has been getting ignored for a long time. 
  On the bright side I'm now fully functionally, past the stress related heart condition and firing on all cylinders again.  I'm currently checking my dates to see if I can make Cat Jam.  Problem is that it usaully interferes with my family reunion and with a couple of relatives that might not make the next reunion due to illness and general old age, I am reluctant to skip it.  If the dates work out I'll have to get busy getting the bird in shape.  Looks like the format of Cat Jam might be changing a bit from the last time I went to acoomodate the growing attendance.  Kuddos to Eric and his helpers for keeping the ball rolling.  Thanks.  Jason.


Reply #1
Jason, It's good to see that you have things going in a positive direction !! Welcome back to your friends here on this forum and seengs that we only live 5min. apart I'll keep in touch as well hookup with Ya sometimes. :D


Reply #3
Hey thanks.  I'm looking forward to getting back to working on the bird.  I'm thinking this would be a good year to get it painted too.



Reply #4
I'm new here and all but It's good to hear that your making a comeback. Dealing with what you have is not easy. I've been married for 9 years almost and I have just about seen, and been through it all.

Keep your chin up.
1988 Cougar LS 5.0 (currently parting out):cougarsmily:
1989 Mustang LX Notch 2.3 (Project):ford: