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Topic: New car alarm (Read 5361 times) previous topic - next topic

Re: New car alarm

Reply #30
:) Here ya go,  just took a quick picture.  got kinda in a hurry to finish up today,  didn't wanna be late for work.  Only had 3 major problems installing it.  First one I had when it didn't wanna remote start,  (Instead of hooking up the neutral safty switch I just grounded the lead)  My ground came loose.  2nd problem was when I put the steering collum cover back on,  I moved the transponder bypass by accedent,  (that thing has to be right up next to the PATS modual to work)  Then for some reason the way I had the bypass wired the transponder from it was messing up the signal from the key,  So I couldn't start it with the key!  (the directions said to supply 12 volt power and hook the ground up to a switched sourse crom the alarm modual,  For some reason the sourse was supplying ground all the time,  So I grounded the negative lead and ran the positive lead to 12 volt ignition.  and that fixed the problem. Now it works great!

Re: New car alarm

Reply #31
Oh  and before anyone says it,  yes I know that the way I wired the PATS bypass completly bypasses the modual.  I figured screw it sence the alarm has a start disable built into it.  :)

Re: New car alarm

Reply #32
is that a green neon under your dash? :giggle:

Re: New car alarm

Reply #33
Yep,  2 8" tubes under the dash 4 8" tubes under the front seats,  2 24" tubes in the trunk.  and an undercar kit.

Re: New car alarm

Reply #34
Well I'm jealous  :bowdown:

The first thing I did when I bought my '87 back in 1992 was get an this case an Alpine 8030-B. The thing's so old you program the remotes with DIP switches  :giggle:

I don't know how long you plan on keeping the car, but make sure that you pick an alarm where you can easily get replacement remotes if (when) you need them. I find that I have to search far and wide for mine anymore, even though it's a name brand (though back in the day getting them was a snap).

It looks like a nice alarm, though, and for a good price. Mine has half the features (if that) and cost me $500 at the time. The more expensive ones were $750, but the salesman was really cool about it...once I told him I had a T-Bird and not a Vette or something he was pretty adamant at what features I *didn't* need to buy...anywhere else probably would have fired him :giggle:

I can't believe that you've had three attempts to steal it this year. I live a stone's throw from Philly and the only time my alarm gets set off is when a tennis ball hits it or something because someone's kid was playing outside.
5.0L Speed density
Explorer intake
'92 Mustang GT cam
GT-40 racing heads
Unequal length headers
Custom-made duals
19# injectors
65mm TB
T/C header panel
11" brake upgrade
T/C rear sway bar
Electrical mods: too many to list :D

Re: New car alarm

Reply #35
Well,  Its a small town but we seem to have alot of stereo theives around.  And being a small town everyone pretty much knows me and they've seen and heard my car go down the road.  So they know I've got something worth stealing.  But still what I can't figure.  They try to get in with a coathanger!  If I was gonna do it,  I'd take the porsilin off of a spark plug and pitch it through the window,  then take what I want!  I just don't know why they waiste their time.

Re: New car alarm

Reply #36
Quote from: Dare
If I was gonna do it,  I'd take the porsilin off of a spark plug and pitch it through the window,  then take what I want!  I just don't know why they waiste their time.

Does that really work?

Re: New car alarm

Reply #37
Yep,  sure does.  It makes almost no sound when it hits,  thats the whole point behind it. 

BTW:  I finaly caught my theif!  His dumbass set the alarm off last night while I was on the computer.  So I jumped out the window with my swords.  (fell in the mud on my way out though,  I was kinda drunk)  But I caught the .  Red handed with a coat hanger,  It was a friend of mine!  Not like one of my best friends or anything,  but someone I thought I could trust.  I told him to get lost and never talk to me again!  I know exactly what he wanted,  he wanted to sell my stuff to get crank!  But I put a stop to that,  I got ahold of a few people today,  drug dealers,  (no,  I dont do drugs)  I let them know what happend.  Turns out,  one of my friends suspected the guy of stealing some drugs and his PS2 and a bunch of games.  So right now,  he's pretty much cut off.  Basicly what they did was put the word out that he was a snitch.  So not too many people are gonna be selling to him! 

You know what sucks,  not only was I pissed that it was a friend of mine,  but I was realy looking forward to beating someone's ass for messing with my car.  And I probably should have done it anyway.  But I was just so suprised at who it was.  a few weeks ago he told me he'd keep an ear out for anyone bragging about ripping me off!

Re: New car alarm

Reply #38
he wanted to sell my stuff to get crank!

You freind is homoshagual as well???

Re: New car alarm

Reply #39
Quote from: TurboCoupe50
You freind is homoshagual as well???

AHHHHHHHH HAHAHA!!! i about fell out of my chair! downright awesome Tom
It's Gumby's fault.

Re: New car alarm

Reply #40
You freind is homoshagual as well???

No,  I'm not gonna set you up with him!  :slap:

AHHHHHHHH HAHAHA!!! i about fell out of my chair! downright awesome Tom

Hey,  you're supposed to be on my side bitch!  :giggle:

Re: New car alarm

Reply #41
*Note to self:

When jumping out of a window holding swords, make sure I'm not drunk....
1987 Cougar LS 5.0


Re: New car alarm

Reply #42
DARE, do you have to pay any monthly monitoring fees with that alarm?