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Topic: ATC questions. (Read 4503 times) previous topic - next topic

ATC questions.

Reply #15
Claude, I had the same problem with the ATC a few years back and had the same code. I took it to the Ford Dealer and they couldn't tell me anything about it even after going through the codes with them. All I can say is that it did it for a few months straight and then one day just stopped. They haven't flashed since but flashing or not, I never had a problem with the functionality of the system.

ATC questions.

Reply #16
Just to keep this one going (and e-jack somebody else's post!)- I now have a problem code 04--- the outside recirculator door actuator--- checked it out and the motor runs, but the wiper (reostat?) inside never shows anything but an open...  I opened the case, but it looks like I'd have to destroy the lever arm to get full access to the wiper.

Finally- My Question- Where can I get a new (yea right!) or remanufactured (HAHA!) or decent used actuator?  does anyone have a part number?  I've tried with the numbers printed on the side (couldn't read them well, so they may be wrong), but it doesn't show up.  Any help is appreciated!


ATC questions.

Reply #17
Nevermind--- not the actuator--- found out that the acutator positon shows 0 ohms in one spot, 8k when turned 180  (open all the way in between)--- apparently this is right, but the control is not providing the ground to run the motor- so I need a control head.  this car's more fun everyday!