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Topic: Well this sucks (Read 3544 times) previous topic - next topic

Well this sucks

Reply #30
when my T/C was totaled back in july i got $1500 and kept the car with a clear title. i figured it was fair being thats $200 more than i paid for it. and with the $1100 i got for the motor and trans and i still have the car for the brakes suspension and interior. i think i made out like a bandit
louie  :birdsmily:
My famous last words:
It seemed like a good idea at the time.        88TC R.I.P.      88 Sport build in progress


Well this sucks

Reply #31
 thing is leaking through the drivers door seal. Thought it was just the door skin damaged but may be worse. Hope replacing the whole door will seal it up my knee keeps getting wet.
:birdsmily:   Objects In Mirror Appear to be Loosing  :birdsmily: