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Topic: Dem crazy Frenchies...... (Read 582 times) previous topic - next topic

Dem crazy Frenchies......

Well obviously its just more proof of the old addage "dont judge a book by its cover" but this is still not a common find over there....
Guy with his '72 Caddy DeVille, and is very proud of it being a big American car. "We are crazy lovers of U.S. cars".
I particularly like how he loves "the melody of the v8 engine". :bowdown: Seriously would love to meet this dude. He goes on to say how hes had several people frown upon him for liking such a big car with a big gas-sucking engine, in a place where most of the cars there could fit inside his boat!!!! But he and the American Car Club of France fly in the face of all that! lol
Another thing I laughed aloud at---"Far awway from Toyo "Prius", the last fashion in the world" Im sure by that hes referring to its styling. Yup hes got the right taste in sheetmetal alright!!!  Gotta love this gotta have big brass ones to do something like that over there....
1987 20th Anniversary Cougar, 302 "5.0" GT-40 heads (F3ZE '93 Cobra) and TMoss Ported H.O. intake, H.O. camshaft
2.5" Duals, no cats, Flowmaster 40s, Richmond 3.73s w/ Trac-Lok, maxed out Baumann shift kit, 3000 RPM Dirty Dog non-lock TC
Aside from the Mustang crinkle headers, still looks like it's only 150 HP...
1988 Black XR7 Trick Flow top end, Tremec 3550
1988 Black XR7 Procharger P600B intercooled, Edelbrock Performer non-RPM heads, GT40 intake AOD, 13 PSI @5000 RPM. 93 octane


Dem crazy Frenchies......

Reply #1
The French have no choice but to drive big American cars. The rioters burned all their little ones. ;)