Issue with Accel ignition & customer service
I got a weird issue. I got the accessory box (375+) for my Accel ignition (300+) so I could incorporate a two-step for better launches at the track. I hook it up and next thing you know the car is running like it has 20 degrees timing pulled. I called tech support. No help - they tell me I'll have to send it back. I tell him that's not a reasonable option as I want to race it Friday. He gives me the number of the real techs in another location.
The tech dude eventually tells me that there is a "software" issue and that I'd have to send both modules to him so he can "get them talking to each other". I told him there was only 5 weeks left in the racing season and that under no cirspoogestances am I leaving my car without an ignition due to their "firmware" issue. He tells me the older 300+ won't talk to the newer 375+ and the only way to fix it is to send them both back. This irritates me as he is telling me that they are competely incompetent (don't even keep firmware consistent between modules designed specifically to work as a pair) and that I will have to be severely inconvienienced as a result. I basically pleaded with him to do something like send me another 300+ module that will work with the newer 375+. He just says no and proceeds to give me the return address. I told him that under no cirspoogestances was he going to mess up the end of racing season for me (I am not about to trust them to get the modules back in a reasonable amount of time based on the numerous nightmare stories I have read about turn around times for repairs). He wouldn't even make any promise to have the units back before 5 weeks either, which in itself is kinda bizarre.
I then called the original tech help people back as they are in an office that could authorize sending me a replacement unit while I return the old module. The kid was sympathetic and offered to let me speak to his supervisor - he said she always returns call so I should leave a message. I left a long descriptive message with her, but she had 3 hours to return my call - but didn't. I will call back tomorrow every hour until I speak with her as I have her direct line.
I am so far baffled at their inability to offer me a reasonable solution to my situation. Am I asking for too much by asking for a working replacement - seeing as they have admitted that the flaw is 100% their fault?