Re: my 88bird
Reply #2 –
Assuming the bosses have allowed you to attach pics:
Save the pictures on your computer. (You may have to edit/crop the pictures for dimensions and file size)
gif- Max file size 19.5 KB.
Max dimensions 620 x 280.
jpg- Max filesize 97.7 KB.
other types- I haven't played with them yet.
When you make a post or reply, scroll down a ways and use the "Manage Attachments" button, and navigate (on your computer) to the pic you want to upload. It may take while to send, depending on your connect speed and the size of the pic.
Once it's finished uploading, the box will either show the accepted filename just below the selection boxes, or give you an error if the pic is too big. You then close that little window and hit Submit Reply.