AC freon
Reply #23 –
No not schooled just some info that's all. :D That being said.....
When using r12, it is extremely critical to evacuate the system( vacuum the system), what this does is to lower the pressure so most all of the moisture is vaporized(boiled) out of the system. Any residual moisture should be easily absorbed by the desicant in the accumulator/reciever-drier(as long as it's not totally saturated). See when water(moisture) absorbs/interacts with r12 it causes a chemical reaction resulting in low level hydrochloric acid. Hydrochloric acid and sulfuric acid(battery acid) are some of the most corrosive substances known to man. Having hcl acid in your ac system can cause problems and any concentration should be avoided when possible.
Also, when the chemical used in r12 was burned it caused phosgene "mustard gas" which was used as a poisonous gas in WWI. Might make you wonder why anyone would want to use r12 instead of r134a.
Nonetheless, imho r12 is a better cooling refrigerant.
Unfortunately, I don't much of any side effects of 134. Guess you could say I'm "old schooled" :hick: