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Topic: The Official Cat Jam 06' Picture Thread (Read 11373 times) previous topic - next topic

The Official Cat Jam 06' Picture Thread

Reply #60
LOL, the one I have isn't photo shopped either....he actuallyu posed for it....hence the finger! :rollin:

The Official Cat Jam 06' Picture Thread

Reply #61
Wait a minute, you mean to tell me there was a point in time on saturday when nick didn't have a cigarette???

Garrett H.
'94 F250 XLT- 4x4, 5 speed, 7.3 IDI Turbo Diesel, 4" intake, 4" exhaust, 5" turnout stacks, manual hubs, etc.
'87 Thunderbird Turbo Coupe
Engine, wheels, tires, etc!
Exhaust sound clip
Another clip

The Official Cat Jam 06' Picture Thread

Reply #62
It was my first CatJam and I knew who Nick was when I saw the cigarette and Grumpy shirt.

The Official Cat Jam 06' Picture Thread

Reply #63
Got bored, so I thought I'd try something a little different for fun.
I found a couple pictures that were similar from CJ05 and CJ06 and that also had noticeable changes to them and then morphed them together.
The two that I found for now were Royce's excellent upgrades and Shannon's new wheels.
If anyone can find any more that are similar (car sitting in similar position, similar angle etc.) and would be interested in seeing them morphed, post them and I'll see if I can do them too.

PS, these are .wmv files and are both less than 200kb so they should be 56k friendly.



The Official Cat Jam 06' Picture Thread

Reply #64
That is too cool!

The Official Cat Jam 06' Picture Thread

Reply #65
Wow Kevin that is awsome!
One 88

The Official Cat Jam 06' Picture Thread

Reply #66
Sweet lookin' , Great job!

The Official Cat Jam 06' Picture Thread

Reply #67
Now that is nifty! I'm gunna show it to all of my friends!

The Official Cat Jam 06' Picture Thread

Reply #68
... I want to do that with my car!!!!! No way... that is too awesome.

what program?

The Official Cat Jam 06' Picture Thread

Reply #69
Man, if you could find a picture of that 86' V-6 Burgundy car, which is exactly what my yellow car was, that would be perfect. Nice job by the way.

The Official Cat Jam 06' Picture Thread

Reply #70
Thx for all the nice comments. I was just messin' around, looking through all the pics I had, and the idea just kinda popped into my head. Since there's been such a positive response, I'll look through some more and see if I can find some more to do. I just thought it'd be neat to show the changes in a car from one year to the next in a fun way.

Steve, as a joke, I was gonna do your car from last year and morph it with the Saab, but I can't find any pics of the Saab. LOL
Oh, and the program is called Squirlz Morphing Tool (

yellowcoog, if you mean morph the burgandy into yours, I can do that if I can find the two cars in similar positions.

If anyone happens upon pictures of cars from previous CJ's and this year that are in similar positions, post 'em up and I'll see what I can do. I can do several pictures into one, so it'd be really cool if I could find one that I could do from every CJ to see it's progress over the years.

The Official Cat Jam 06' Picture Thread

Reply #71
wow kevin that was sweet ill have to try to save that.i gust got back online i was without a computer ever before cat jam but im up and going now. hopefuly you can add to it next save that just incase lol.thanks for showing me the lcd visors im thinking on working on that 1 so we will see.

CJ06 Music Videos

Reply #72
Well, it took longer than expected, and they still didn't turn out as good as I wanted, but I finally got some music videos done for CJ06.
For some reason, the video portions of each one are a little jumpy and I couldn't seem to make it any better. Sorry about that.

Hope you enjoy them anyway.

I have four versions that are between 9-10mb each;

Easy Going (WMV)

Faster with Techno (RM)

Faster with Techno v2 (RM)

Faster with Rock (WMV)

The Official Cat Jam 06' Picture Thread

Reply #73
Awsome movies man


The Official Cat Jam 06' Picture Thread

Reply #74

BTW, the songs were great!, I really liked the first vid.