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Topic: Fan not working (Read 1636 times) previous topic - next topic

Fan not working

Reply #15
Possibly the ECT is a little out of spec, and lying to the EEC about actual temp... That sensor came from the 2.3 out of my TC, the fans worked on it, but I don't remember specifically what the gage read. I know I've seen several TCs that the fans didn't activate till the gage was at the top end of the normal. It's also common for the voltage regulator on the cluster to cause high gage readings...

BTW the ECT is between the #2 & 3 injectors. Easy to get to IF you remove the upper intake, otherwise a real bitch...



Reply #16
This past Sunday evening I had the TC out for lot night and I gave it a raz on the way home. When I got back in the car after putting up the garage door the temp was high - touching the red. I put the car in the garage and clossed the garage door, popped the bonnet and sure enough the fans were working - at least the big fan anyway. I couldn't see the small fan from my seated position but I was happy with the big fan working.