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Topic: Is your house as creepy as mine? (Read 648 times) previous topic - next topic

Is your house as creepy as mine?

Got any creepy stories about your house or someone elses?

I left one night to run to the store and when I returned I found my wife scared and currled up on the sofa. I asked what happend. She says she was laying on the floor eating a pop tart and said she took the second one from the package and the package proceded to flip end over end on the floor walking its way 3-4 feet toward the front door. I was like it was probably just a draft. She proceded to argue with ne over it that it flipped end over end not just sliding over the floor. She also stated that our family dog wouldn't get within a foot of the wrapper.

This is not the first thing that we have encountured in the house.

I was laying in bed and my wife walked down stairs to get a drink. I was laying in bed and saw some one come up the stairs. I just thought it was her, becasue I am as blind as a bat without my glasses. Then she comes up the stairs. I proceed to jump straight up out of the bed and run down the hall and check on the kids. All three were still sound asleep and there was nobody else in the house. Needless to say I didn't sleep that night.

We also hear banging from the basp00get, funny smells that seem to stay in one room, and other weird noises. I have friends that would rather walk out in the back yard to pee than go up stairs to use the bathroom.


Is your house as creepy as mine?

Reply #1
The house i'm in now has had the same occupants since new so its 'fine' but i've been in other places that had creepy things happen.

After I graduated from HS I moved into a friends place which was built in the late 1800's and was used as a speak easy during the proibition times, it has a hidden stairway out the back and many hiding places built into it. Any time of the day you could go into the basp00get and you would hear footsteps on the floor upstairs (not to be confused with a house settling) after a week of trying to sleep down there I traded bedrooms and moved upstairs. Also in the same house one night me and 5 friends were sitting around having a few drinks and playing cards in the kitchen around 4am the livingroom stereo and light popped on, we were all in the kitchen and the cat was sleeping that was probabally the wierdest thing to ever happen to me, we all sat there staring at each other for a minuite or two before someone got up and turned off the radio and switched off the light.

At the house where my family lived for 7 years , when laying in my bedroom I would always see what looked like a woman in a white night gown pass down the hallway between the rooms and into the livingroom, I used to think it was my mother till a few times I got up to ask her about something and saw that she was asleep in bed, I just got used to it and eventually ignored it, the same house also had one cupboard door that would always be open in the morning, no matter how you adjusted the latch or changed it it wopuld still open, Even if you taped it closed it would still be open a crack in the morning, That house was partially built from an old mining bunk ifrom the 30's-40's. Also in this house you couldnt put anything down cause it ALWAYS disappeared! and it wasnt always my own ignorance :p

And in my 1980 thunderbird which I purchased off the son of the original owner who I knew. He used to always tease me about driving around in my moms truck with the rock station turned right up (I was only 13-14) and how he was gonna tell on me. Before he passed away he was planning on restoring it and when I purchased it I decided to keep it looking fairly stock looking like he would have done, and instead of removing the stock two post am/fm radio I hid a casette player where the ash tray mounted and never use the stock radio. While I was driving the car regularily for about 6 months  on A few occasions I got in the car, started it up, reached for the seatbelt and had the radio come on full blast!. I have thought about ways to accidentaly bump the radio on and its next to impossible since you have to 'click' the  on then turn the volume up.
1980 birds X 3, 1982 bird, 1984 XR7, 1988 TC