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Topic: Power outage at work! (Read 505 times) previous topic - next topic

Power outage at work!

Had a nice storm last night at work.  I was on Motor Patrol and I was patroling the south compound area.  I don't know if any of you guys have ever seen a prison at night,  but its like a small city.  Its all lit up bright at night so you can see if anyone's trying to escape.  Well,  I had just parked my patrol vehicle on the south end when I see this big bolt of lightning strike dead center in the compound!  Then the whole facility just blinked out.  Pitch Black!  I radioed it into control  (felt kinda stupid,  cause I'm sure they were well aware of the power outage)  Then I got back to driving.  About 10 minutes later I was rounding a corner and had to slam on the brakes.  One of my Sgts was driving around the fence on a Gator with no lights on!  I came within two inches of hitting him!  :lol:


Power outage at work!

Reply #1
:rollin:  trying to kill you boss now! now how mutch you may hate him don't kill him!! you don't whanna be bubbas bitch now do ya? oh wait is bubba gonna be your bitch?:flip:
2001 Buick Regal LS (DD):hick:

Got that fox rash again!

-Resident smartass! :ies:

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