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Topic: Cruise is acting up? (Read 732 times) previous topic - next topic

Cruise is acting up?

The crusie on my 84 T-Bird T/C is acting funny. When I set it it speeds up a little more then losses speed then speeds back up past where I set it. It just keeps up this cycle the whole time. I was wondering if it might have somthing to do with the TPS? I think the TPS needs to be replaced. At about 70-75MPH with the cruse off I get to a spot in the throttle where you are either slowing down or speeding up but nowhere in there are you just cruising the same speed. Any one have any ideas?
84 Turbo coupe 2.3T Modded with 88 upper and lower intake, 88 injectors, E6 manifold, T3-4 AR.60 turbo, 31X12X3 FMIC, Homemade MBC , Greddy knock off BPV.
4 eyes see better than 2! 
Da Bird!


Cruise is acting up?

Reply #1
Weird...don't mean to hijack your thread but my cruise has been being goofy too. Ever since I put in my new engine. I know I got the vac lines hooked up right because I can get on the highway and set the cruise, and it'll use boost to maintain speed, but then a few miles down the road I'll get to a hill and it won't use the boost at all? But as long as I'm on a flat surface where it doesn't need the boost to maintain speed, it's fine. I don't get it.

Garrett H.
'94 F250 XLT- 4x4, 5 speed, 7.3 IDI Turbo Diesel, 4" intake, 4" exhaust, 5" turnout stacks, manual hubs, etc.
'87 Thunderbird Turbo Coupe
Engine, wheels, tires, etc!
Exhaust sound clip
Another clip


Cruise is acting up?

Reply #2
The cruise brain is notorious for failing, partially.  My cougar will only set the cruise, it wont resume, it wont accelerate, and it wont coaste.  Also when you press the off button it will sometimes just send the gas pedal to the floor. 
I think autohole sells a new cruise computer for like 70 bucks.
One 88