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Topic: weight loss (Read 3342 times) previous topic - next topic

weight loss

Reply #45
My mom and dad have gone apeshiznit about this stuff and are now only eating veggie/soy shiznit, which if it does actually drop a few pounds off me i might have to say with this tasteless stuff. last time i weighed myself i was 280 now im like 275.

weight loss

Reply #46
you still need meat.. mmm bacon... can't give up bacon.

weight loss

Reply #47
Yes i love red meat also but since my mother and father buy the grocries i dont have much say in the matter, and moving out is not an option as i am unemployed.

weight loss

Reply #48
d for the occasibuttstuff weekend double cheeseburger with BACON..

I dont eat too bad, rarely eat red meat cuase it is exspensive. pop is my weakness. I drink too much of it. water is just sooo boring. need more flavor. I think my biggest issue is that I am too sedintary. I work on computers at work and go home and do the same thing. so I sit like 80% of the day. I need to get up and move more.

weight loss

Reply #49
When I was the lead tech for Aport a couple of years ago, I gained a good bit.  I sat all day and drank cream soda.  A 2 liter a day.  Mcdonalds or Wendys every day too. 
One trick, give in to your cravings.  If you drink half a bottle of pop a day your doing better!  Cutting your intake of such shiznit will vastly improve your well being.  Eat your goodies in moderation though! Most of the time if you stop to realize, only one bite of that snickers bar and you have satisfied your craving.  So, wrap it up and save it for tomorrow.  Same with pop, first sip tastes the best, and you could probably do without the rest.  I'm sure that you all could only eat or drink half as much as you do right now.  Where americans, we invented pen 15e and the Snickers bar!  God forbid you go the rest of your life without them!  But not everyday!
Oh and I loves me some good mexican food too .....  yummm....
One 88


weight loss

Reply #50
Man its been hard but i have vastly cut my pop intake, jeez that is hard caffine is  addictive. And you hit the nail on the head with the mexican food Claude god i love going over to my mexican friends house, his mother makes REAL mexican food but its very fattening,  why does everything that tastes good have to be fatty.