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Topic: Need Help Battling Rust (Read 2114 times) previous topic - next topic

Need Help Battling Rust

i have just bought a 1987 cougar ls. there is no rust (with the exception of surface rust from scratches) except for under the rear window. it did not look so bad untill i started to pick at it and now there is a hole under the window. i have looked online and found nothing. i was wondering if anyone had any advice or :dunno: if there is a replacement panel i can buy and put in. at this point anythig will be helpful.


Need Help Battling Rust

Reply #1
no replacement pannel for that im afraid. realy look the car over good, theres a few spots that rust likes too hide on these cars like under/on the bottom of the door itself by the weatherstripping. im not realy an auto body guy but id say the best bet would too cut it out and put some good metal in there. seems that rust finds its way back relitivally easily otherwise....good luck with her! and welcome....
:america: 1988 Thunderbird Sport, Former 4.6 DOHC T56 conversion project.

Rest of the country, Welcome to Massachusettes. Enjoy your stay.

Halfbreed... Mango Orange Y2K Mustang GT
FRPP complete 2000 Cobra engine swap, T56 n' junk...

Need Help Battling Rust

Reply #2
Yep.  Your best bet is to cut that section out and weld in fresh metal.

Need Help Battling Rust

Reply #3
About the only thing that would work besides welding in a new panel would be a POR-15 product for rust repair. I've never used it so I couldn't say from experience how well it would work. I've heard that it's some pretty neat stuff though.
88 Thunderbird LX: 306, Edelbrock Performer heads, Comp 266HR cam, Edelbrock Performer RPM intake, bunch of other stuff.

Need Help Battling Rust

Reply #4
so how mutch por-15 would be needed to do a whole underside and up to the trim on our cars? also has anyone used the tank sealer? i know i have a slight gas leah only when its full. like a drop or 2 every few minuits. so i was thinking when the car sat just taking the tank out completely draning it then using that tank sealer on it. any ideas?
2001 Buick Regal LS (DD):hick:

Got that fox rash again!

-Resident smartass! :ies:

- Don't listen to the naysayers. For every person who actually helps with your project there will be 10 who will discourage you all the while thinking that they are helping. 99% of all people have good intentions. That doesn't make them right.- XR7 Dave - SCCOA.Com

Need Help Battling Rust

Reply #5
After a quick google, this is what I found:

[COLOR="Red"]*All estimates below are made using one coat on the area being treated; however, we recommend two coats in most applications.[/COLOR]

POR-15 application on non porous surfaces (most metals):
Approximate coverage:

    * Pint = 50 sq. ft.
    * Quart = 96 sq. ft.
    * Gallon = 350 sq. ft.

[COLOR="Red"]Engine Enamels:[/COLOR] One pint will cover any standard automobile engine block

[COLOR="Red"]Hi-Temperature Paints (Factory Manifold Grey, Black Velvet, POR-20):[/COLOR] For exhaust components 8oz. will coat an average set of manifolds and a small set of headers.

[COLOR="Red"]Color Chrome:[/COLOR] Color Chrome Pint Kit will cover five rims

[COLOR="Red"]Floor pan and Trunk Kit:[/COLOR] Enough products to do two floor pans or one entire trunk

[COLOR="Red"]Auto Fuel Tank Repair Kit:[/COLOR] Seals up to a 25 Gal. tank

Hope that helps.

Need Help Battling Rust

Reply #6
it does but how does it seal it? from the inside? or outside?
2001 Buick Regal LS (DD):hick:

Got that fox rash again!

-Resident smartass! :ies:

- Don't listen to the naysayers. For every person who actually helps with your project there will be 10 who will discourage you all the while thinking that they are helping. 99% of all people have good intentions. That doesn't make them right.- XR7 Dave - SCCOA.Com

Need Help Battling Rust

Reply #7
I'm not sure I understand your question. All I know is you have to brush it on and it bonds with the metal to block out oxygen. And from what I've read, the rustier the surface the better. Just have to remove the loose stuff before you apply it.

Need Help Battling Rust

Reply #8
Hit it with a wire brush to get the loose stuff off, make sure everythings dry and brush/spray it on.

For ther gas tank I think i'd rather find a good tank and toss it in
1980 birds X 3, 1982 bird, 1984 XR7, 1988 TC

Need Help Battling Rust

Reply #9
The POR-15 works.  I used iton a spot that came up about a year ago on the very bottom of my left rocker panel.  Hasn't caome back thankfully.  Apply a couple of coats, sand lightly and paint over it with a good match.  You won't be disappointed;)
-- 05 Mustang GT-Whipplecharged !!
--87 5.0 Trick Flow Heads & Intake - Custom Cam - Many other goodies...3100Lbs...Low12's!

Need Help Battling Rust

Reply #10
now its decent to use as a primer correct? cuz i figure use por 15 as a primer under the paint so that would furter protect your car.
2001 Buick Regal LS (DD):hick:

Got that fox rash again!

-Resident smartass! :ies:

- Don't listen to the naysayers. For every person who actually helps with your project there will be 10 who will discourage you all the while thinking that they are helping. 99% of all people have good intentions. That doesn't make them right.- XR7 Dave - SCCOA.Com

Need Help Battling Rust

Reply #11
I think I remember hearing that it doesnt bond too well to bare steel, it uses the crusty rust to hold on to... i'll try to find some more info

Some very good info in here, you gotta dig for it though!
1980 birds X 3, 1982 bird, 1984 XR7, 1988 TC

Need Help Battling Rust

Reply #12
tbirdscott is right. For bare metal, you have to use the por-15 prep. They sell whole kits though that come with everything you need.

Need Help Battling Rust

Reply #13
As for the gas tank repair, I don't understand why you would go through the hassle of dropping the tank to do a repair that might last a couple of weeks.  Do it right, do it once.  Replace the tank.:D


Need Help Battling Rust

Reply #14
Thanks everyone i guess im ganna be doing some shaping and welding but it will all be worth it at the end