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Topic: Mechanical Fuel Pressure Gauge Cowl Mounting (Read 2088 times) previous topic - next topic

Mechanical Fuel Pressure Gauge Cowl Mounting

I performed a search and did not find any threads or pictures to what I am after.

For reference, my car is an 86 "Elan". I'm so fancy LOL
I know the hood goes over our cowl areas, however has anyone installed a fuel pressure gauge on the cowl? If so, how did you do it and still be able to open the hood?
I'll take any pictures of both cowl and hood mounted gauges.

Thank you
Whoa, that was fun!

Re: Mechanical Fuel Pressure Gauge Cowl Mounting

Reply #1
There's really no way to do it with a stock hood, unless it's mounted to the top of the hood itself.

You could probably get away with mounting it underneath the hood on the cowl section if you had a raised cowl hood.

Why not just use an electric gauge and mount it inside?
Long live the 4-eyes!  - '83 Tbird Turbo - '85 Marquis LTS - '86 LTD Wagon


Re: Mechanical Fuel Pressure Gauge Cowl Mounting

Reply #2
I decided to mount it under the drivers fender. It doesn't look to bad or ghetto. LOL
As for not using an electric gauge, I already have this one laying around.
Whoa, that was fun!