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Topic: Feeling frustrated with the state of my project. (Read 1654 times) previous topic - next topic

Feeling frustrated with the state of my project.

I'm so unproductive when it comes to getting my bird back on the road.  It's been down for 4 years now.  I have a parts car and everything that is needed to get it into a functioning vehicle but just can't find the motivation to go out in the heat and work on it.  It's not in a garage and the majority of the work is metal work fixing the floor boards.  I need to change the doors, trunk lid, front fenders, hood, and header panel.  I also need to install rear brake lines, new fuel lines, and the gas tank.  All this is just overwhelming and I feel the pressure to finish it constantly.

I watch MotorTrend shows and see like 4 people get a car that has been sitting for 30 years running in a week.  And I know the majority of the time it's just television magic and there is more behind the scenes to the show but I wish I were able to just magically finish my car in a month or so. 

Any suggestions on how I can get this project back on track?  How have some of you guys overcome this challenge?

-Johnny C
84 TurboCoupe with 302 .010 over - 9.8 : 1 Forged Pistons - Edlebrock Goodies:  Aluminum Heads #6037, Intake #3821, 65mm TBI/EGR #3824/3827, Camshaft #3722 -  Interactive System & Technologies Mass Air with 24# Injectors - A9L - 3g Alternator - BBK shorties, Cat Converter H-pipe, Magniflow lers - World Class T5 1352-169 (1986, V8, WC, 3.15 3.35 1.93 1.29 1.00 0.68) OEM Clutch Cable - 7.5 Trac Lock with 3.08 and slapper bars from 82 Mustang.

Re: Feeling frustrated with the state of my project.

Reply #1
Its like anything else that seems overwhelming, one step at a time.  Pick some low hanging fruit (easy stuff) and get those knocked out and then move on to the harder stuff.  Once you start making progress the motivation gets better or at least that it how it works with me.

If there is no low hanging fruit then I would work up a plan on how your are going to start and finish the work.  Write it down and keep working on that until you feel like its a good plan.  You can even post it here and get some other eyes on it in case they know of an easier / faster/ holy  don't do it that way kind of thing.

83 351W TKO'd T-Bird on the bottle

93 331 Mustang Coupe - 368 rwhp

Re: Feeling frustrated with the state of my project.

Reply #2
Kind of sounds like the level of work I needed to do on my LTS (See the abbreviated thread HERE). A lot more than I wanted to do, originally.

As mentioned, you just have to kind of start somewhere. Things start to look brighter when you can start checking things off the list and move forward.

You can't make progress unless you start.

Long live the 4-eyes!  - '83 Tbird Turbo - '85 Marquis LTS - '86 LTD Wagon

Re: Feeling frustrated with the state of my project.

Reply #3
Got the front fenders, header, bumper and trunk lid off.  Need to finish install of new trunk lid.  Didn't gap well.  Some progress though.   Even hit it with a 15 dollar sandblaster tank from a yard sale.  Had sand left in it.  Just did the outside strut tower to clean up some before a rust restorer was applied.  only one side cause it rained.  Over cast was nice enough to work in.
84 TurboCoupe with 302 .010 over - 9.8 : 1 Forged Pistons - Edlebrock Goodies:  Aluminum Heads #6037, Intake #3821, 65mm TBI/EGR #3824/3827, Camshaft #3722 -  Interactive System & Technologies Mass Air with 24# Injectors - A9L - 3g Alternator - BBK shorties, Cat Converter H-pipe, Magniflow lers - World Class T5 1352-169 (1986, V8, WC, 3.15 3.35 1.93 1.29 1.00 0.68) OEM Clutch Cable - 7.5 Trac Lock with 3.08 and slapper bars from 82 Mustang.

Re: Feeling frustrated with the state of my project.

Reply #4
For me, it comes down to *time*, *money*, and *motivation*.

None of those three seem to be able to exist all at the same time, in my life, at least right now.
Work is at least 6 days a week, and always 10 or more hours a day, just got over covid again for the second time, and have to much other puppies that's on the upper end of the priority list.

I said eff it. Gonna sell off all of my project stuff, two whole cars, an engine, (more like 3, all together), and a few boxes of stuff. Nothing to get excited's just mustang puppies. oh my, the filters are potent now. Both times, it was a word that rhymes with "nap" and is slang for what comes out of a puppies fundament. Oh well. Guess I have to buy a membership to say a shagin' cuss word LMFAO

'98 Explorer 5.0
'20 Malibu (I know, Chevy, but, 35MPG. Let's go brandon, eh)


Re: Feeling frustrated with the state of my project.

Reply #5
I think all car guys go through this. When I was younger I had less responsibility and more “me time “ but I also lacked the money. Big dreams empty pockets. Lol. Fast forward to later life more responsibilities, and kid’s needs come first. Having teens involved in sports and activities is expensive sometimes. If  i had an air conditioned garage I could wrench more at night but that’s not the case. Still I do what I can when I can. I sold a 4 eye GT when I was younger and first got married and have regretted letting that one go.
87 Tbird LX w/Factory floor shifter:D   3G upgrade. Tinted Windows...85 Mustang GT steering wheel(non-cruise) 17'' Saleen SC style wheels,Front/Rear TC sway bars/poly bushings & Mustang GT steering rack...'05 Mustang V6 springs...93 Cobra MC & booster, MM adjustable C/C plates,  Work  In  Progress.......  ( On The Shelf---HO computer, 19lb injectors, HO cam, BBK headers, Explorer Intake, Cold Air Intake ,Phantom Gauges, Stinger stainless exhaust pipes )
 S O L D