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Topic: 3.8 v6 Carb Questions, Options? (Read 3254 times) previous topic - next topic

Re: 3.8 v6 Carb Questions, Options?

Reply #15
From the 84 EVTM:
The 84 model 3.8L cars sold in the U.S. have CFI but cars sold in Canada have carbs.
The A/C kicker has only one wire and they have another way of handling dieseling.

Re: 3.8 v6 Carb Questions, Options?

Reply #16
So i went back and worked on the tbird today.
First thing i did was check the position of the choke both at rest and cracked open. Cracked open it was about 1/4 inch which was what the rebuild stuff said it should be at.

So i moved to the idle solinoid.

Backed off the whole thing by loosening the 5/16 bolt on the carb and using a 5/16 wrench cranked back the whole thing untill it was barely touching it when fully extended. Started it up and it basically puttered out and died, good so im at zero now. Lined the thing up to the old depression/stain on it from the washer, and tightened it up, advanced the bolt a few turns on it and pushed the plunger up and pushes on the throttle a little.

Put it back together and fired it up, started right up and runs great. After it warmed up no more idling up and the pushing on the brakes gone.
Took it out for a drive and jumped on the highway for about 50 miles and then back, which was full of congested traffic in stop and go on the way back. Didnt seem to eat as much gas as i was expecting, i want to burn this gas off so i can put some fresh gas in there(i have no idea how old it is) or if i get the tank painted replace that.
No bogging, no almost stalling, no surging, pushing on the brakes, no issues.
I have a full tune up of plugs wires and such waiting for it so now i can get to that.
"Beating the hell out of other peoples cars since 1999"
1983 Ford Thunderbird Heritage
1984 Ford Mustang GT Turbo Convertible
2015 Ford Focus SE 1.0 EcoBoost

Re: 3.8 v6 Carb Questions, Options?

Reply #17
Did you confirm the kicker extends when the A/C is turned on?  I suspect the 84 EVTM matches what you have. Maybe a change after production started on the 83's.
Anyhoo, it looks like you are making progress.

Re: 3.8 v6 Carb Questions, Options?

Reply #18
Did you confirm the kicker extends when the A/C is turned on?  I suspect the 84 EVTM matches what you have. Maybe a change after production started on the 83's.
Anyhoo, it looks like you are making progress.

No, i didnt. Next time i take the car out ill check on that for you.
"Beating the hell out of other peoples cars since 1999"
1983 Ford Thunderbird Heritage
1984 Ford Mustang GT Turbo Convertible
2015 Ford Focus SE 1.0 EcoBoost


Re: 3.8 v6 Carb Questions, Options?

Reply #19
I took the car to work today and checked to see if the plunger extends when the a/c is turned on, it does.

A/C not on :

upload images

With A/C turned on:

upload images

Sorry for the  images.
Car was a little hard to restart after sitting for about 25 minutes, the other day i had it out this didnt happen.
Got to do plugs and wires first before i try figuring that out.
We will see how it runs on the way home from work tonight.
"Beating the hell out of other peoples cars since 1999"
1983 Ford Thunderbird Heritage
1984 Ford Mustang GT Turbo Convertible
2015 Ford Focus SE 1.0 EcoBoost