Dash Not Getting Data! Please Help!
I recently got down to business fixing my full digital dash. Last year I replaced the speedo bulb cause it blew and went dark, and everything since then has been fine. Since today. All of sudden my speedo is not completely dark but is more dull then the other parts of the cluster. Checked the bulbs and they were fine. So while it was out i decided to do the 199 mph speedo mod and that went smoothly. I plugged it back in, and the speedo is still dull and now the whole right side of my dash doesnt have any readings. The right side is the one with the miles to empty and stuff. Its lit up but nothing shows up. The wiring seems ok and everythings plugged in. However, the voltage tape stuff that runs from the speedo to the right part of the dash is crimped and partially coming apart. Do you guys think this could cause the issue or is it something else? I also replaced two of my fuses cause someone put the wrong ones in them. And all the fuses seem fine cause everything in the car is working fine besides the one part of the dash. Sorry for the long post but I really want to figure out this issue!