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Topic: 87 Thunderbird 3.8L cranks but no spark Help please (Read 1395 times) previous topic - next topic

87 Thunderbird 3.8L cranks but no spark Help please

I have replaced the ignition control module (on the distributor) and the ignition coil.
With a spark plug in the coil wire (grounded) I get one spark when I initially turn the key, turn the key off I hear a click coming from The area of the PCM  (computer brain)
Turn the key to ON I get another spark
The code I get with the paper clip method are as follows
I give the number of flashing check engine lights.
6, 8, 6, 8,  1,1,1,1,1
I have an NOS  distributor coming .
I am new to the forum just looking for help.
Any help is appreciated

87 Thunderbird 3.8L cranks but no spark Help please

Reply #1
I need to also mention it is not getting fuel through the injectors, I have not put a gage on the fuel system.

87 Thunderbird 3.8L cranks but no spark Help please

Reply #2
there is another item in the distributor ,, the "pick up coil" ,, it is an electronic rendition of old points system.

if its bad,, likely is,, then you will not get spark.

nos dizzy on the way for you so..... drop that in.

not making sense on your codes other than i assume code 11 which mean "no codes" to report.  if the pick up is bad,, i dont think there actually is  a code for that which would show up .


304 772 3411

87 Thunderbird 3.8L cranks but no spark Help please

Reply #3
Thank you very much for the timely response, I believe I'm on the right track.

87 Thunderbird 3.8L cranks but no spark Help please

Reply #4
While you are waiting for the new distributor, unplug the SPOUT (Spark Out) jumper to see if that makes any difference.
This will take the EEC (computer brain) out of the ignition picture.


87 Thunderbird 3.8L cranks but no spark Help please

Reply #5
I replaced the distributor and have a running car I need to resolve a few more issues as I am to deliver a respectable automobile to my parents.
Thank you Fox body people