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Topic: List of EEC-IV Processors for MAF Conversion (Read 5250 times) previous topic - next topic

List of EEC-IV Processors for MAF Conversion

I am pretty sure this list is complete but if any corrections are needed let me know and I will revise.  I scoured several Mustang sites and several tuner sites and finally started seeing enough of the same thing here and there that I feel comfortable with publishing the list.  I am not saying it is 100% correct but it is as far as I know.

[COLOR="#0000FF"]Manual Transmisstion EEC-IV's:
A9L - 88-92 5.0 Mustang
A9M - 89-93 5.0 Mustang
D3D1 - 89-93 5.0 Mustang
S0Z - 89-93 5.0 Mustang
A3M - 93 5.0 Mustang
A3M1 - 93 5.0 Mustang
A3M2 - 93 5.0 Mustang

Automatic Transmission EEC IV's:
A9P - 89-92 5.0 Mustang
A9T - 89-93 5.0 Mustang
C3W - 93 5.0 Mustang
C3W1 - 93 5.0 Mustang

California Mustang EEC-IV's:
A9S - 88-93 5.0 Mustang
8LF - 88-93 5.0 Mustang
8LD - 88-93 5.0 Mustang

Cobra Mustang EEC-IV:
X3Z - 93 5.0 Mustang[/COLOR] [COLOR="#FF0000"](24lb injectors with OEM calibrated MAF)[/COLOR]

With that I would strong caution that the California EEC be not used unless you are going to use an editor as they have some inherent programming in them to deal with CA's emissions laws.  The same goes for the Cobra's EEC as it was specifically meant for that car unless you can come up with the matching OEM MAF and 24lb/hr injectors.

Under the manual transmission list you will see the A3M family and under the Auto list you will see the C3W family which show 93 only.  This is due to them being the replacement EEC offered by the dealerships.  So for example, if you would have brought in a 1991 5.0 Mustang with a T-5 and the A9L EEC was fried the Ford dealer would have most likely replaced it with an A3M processor.

I did this as I see a few guys going MAF and it seems like everyone thinks that the only processors out there are the A9L and A9P and those that have them want a mint for them.  We still should not be paying over $100 for a working unit and yes they can be found for this on the Mustang forums.  I typically have much better luck on the "local" Mustang forums than on the "national" ones like the Corral as those get jumped on really fast.


83 351W TKO'd T-Bird on the bottle

93 331 Mustang Coupe - 368 rwhp

List of EEC-IV Processors for MAF Conversion

Reply #2
should post up 02 sensor rewire instructions as well for this MAF conversion

List of EEC-IV Processors for MAF Conversion

Reply #3
'98 Explorer 5.0
'20 Malibu (I know, Chevy, but, 35MPG. Let's go brandon, eh)

List of EEC-IV Processors for MAF Conversion

Reply #4
that's SD HO
What ho EEC options are there by the code on the lable? By -infamouspa

 Hmmm..I am positive i bought it from a Fox Body mustang parts dealer..On cool cats main website..Go to ? Um never mind..Here it is
 EEC-IV 5.0 HO Computer
 Here's the brains of it all, literally—the stock Mustang 5.0 computer. You should be able to find one at a salvage yard, swap meet or online for a reasonable price. Beginning in 1987 Ford began using a calibration code on each computer, with the code stamped on the top. For speed density, these are the computers that you can use (all listed for automatic transmissions):
 ■DA1 (1987-88 Mustang)
 ■DB1 (1987-88 Mustang)
 ■DX3 (1987 Mark VII)
 ■VL2 (1987 Mark VII)
 ■DY3 (1988 Mark VII)
 ■D9S (1988 Mark VII)

List of EEC-IV Processors for MAF Conversion

Reply #5
Good catch, total FU on my part. :hick:

Edit, DA1 is for a manual trans

And don't forget VM1 as well, also manual.
'98 Explorer 5.0
'20 Malibu (I know, Chevy, but, 35MPG. Let's go brandon, eh)

List of EEC-IV Processors for MAF Conversion

Reply #6
What I was posting were Mass Air Conversion EEC's.  I know the correct EFI conversion wiring harness (including the O2 harnesses) for the Mustangs but the Cats and Birds EFI wiring is something I know little about.  Basically the only thing I know about the Cats and Birds is that 86, 87, and 88 are all year specific and you do not want to try and stuff an 86 harness into an 87 or 88 and you do not want to put an 87 or 88 harness into an 86.  The 87 and 88 can be used in either year but there are some wiring differences.  This is all from what I have read on this forum so I am still learning.

Basically the only thing I can tell you is that you will need the wiring diagram for the year of the car you are working on and you will have to chase the wires out. When I removed the CFI off my '83 I removed every wire for the engine management harness.  There were are couple of wires I had to rework but with the electrical wiring diagrams I have that was pretty easy.  I still say I could use a Painless harness for a Fox Mustang and inject the car pretty easy.  You just have to figure out what wires the engine management crossed over to the under dash and body electrical.  This stuff is not rocket science you just have to have the patience and time to do it.  The one thing you cannot expect to do is make the conversion over a short period of time if the car is some type of daily transport.

If someone had an 86, 87, or 88 car that wanted to try the Mustang harness and was close by I would dive right in with them as its the stuff I like doing and once you get it figured out you post up on how to do it.  From there is just snowballs and pretty soon this thing that was so hard is like converting a car over to 5 lug in an afternoon.

Just for reference my '93 Coupe was a 4 cylinder car when it was brand new.  I converted it to a 5.0 car back in 2002 in a week which included fuel injection, 302, T-5, 8.8 rear, suspension, and the instrument cluster.


83 351W TKO'd T-Bird on the bottle

93 331 Mustang Coupe - 368 rwhp

List of EEC-IV Processors for MAF Conversion

Reply #7
I did compare an '87 engine harness to one of my '88 harnesses, both were 5.o, from similar optioned cars, there were a couple of differences that I could spot, connector shapes and pin placement, but like you say, nothing insurmountable.

Now, I did pick up an engine harness from an '88 Cougar 5.0 from a guy had a few differences compared to my original Sport harness. My sport had all the dash options, prem sound, heated ball scratchers, etc, and the cougar was basically an digital cluster, manual heater car. I got the engine to run as well as some, not all of the dash electronics to work with the Cougar harness, but when i put my Sport cluster in after the wire repins, I had a minor fire.

Depending on the year of Mustang...probably '87, '88, maybe the '89, you might be able to repin some connectors, and make it work with some effort. I'd think that the '90 up might be too tricky as it had the airbag stuff, and the relays moved to under the seat for what was 91 I believe...

When I get the 2.3 from my coupe out, and get ready to install the .50 specific wiring and such, I'll compare my Sport's engine harness with that of the 5.o Stang (1989 for it) and note the differences if you could use the info. Pics too.
On a side note, it's warming up here to tolerable temps this week, so I expect to get a lot done this week. I got some antibiotics finally and have really put a hurt on this cold/chest infection or whatever. F*ckin' Aye.

Some of the engine-to-dash connections are most likely physically different, but if you have the car's original connectors, it's just a time and patience matter. I'll definitely compare and take pics though...of course the mass air wiring in theMustang harness will be one difference...curious to see the rest.
'98 Explorer 5.0
'20 Malibu (I know, Chevy, but, 35MPG. Let's go brandon, eh)

List of EEC-IV Processors for MAF Conversion

Reply #8
On my '93 Coupe the air bag stuff did not integrate with the EEC harness. Now the dash and headlight harnesses have the air bag wiring all through them so that is where you have to be careful with the Mustangs.

I think this is getto go off topic with the wiring and it sounds like we need a dedicated thread for that as well.


83 351W TKO'd T-Bird on the bottle

93 331 Mustang Coupe - 368 rwhp

List of EEC-IV Processors for MAF Conversion

Reply #9
Totally not my cup of TEA, Most of those ECM'S are superseded on remans. So stand alone covers it quite better and quit efficiently. just saying. But most of the ECM'S we have been using have been superseded. A lot of those numbers do not cross or are not available any more from REMAN  Just a thought, Thanks
I spend money I don't have, To build  cars I don't need, To impress people I don't know


List of EEC-IV Processors for MAF Conversion

Reply #10
The A9L is superseded by the A3M2 but the logic is utterly unchanged.  The A9P is superseded by the C3W1 and again the logic is utterly unchanged.  All the list was meant to do was provide more options than the A9L & A9P which is what some think are the only EEC's that will work for the mass air swap. I see no reason to try and buy one new (although I do not think Ford offers them anymore so its a moot point) when you can get one for in the $75 range used and functioning.

Stand alones are a whole other topic of conversation and a thread dedicated to them would be a great idea.


83 351W TKO'd T-Bird on the bottle

93 331 Mustang Coupe - 368 rwhp


List of EEC-IV Processors for MAF Conversion

Reply #11
is there an update to the list of Mass Air EEC's?