Thanks a lot you guys.....
I was outside this past weekend at a car show in Texas, checking out my car (I like it more than the other cars there), and got to thinking about how far it has come over the years. No, it's really not a show car, but has brought a home a few awards (3 of them). Not bad for a daily driver that never sees a garage. ANyway, I was thinking about all the parts I bought, sold and traded here on the forum to get the car where it is, ALL of the tech advice from fellow members, my first H.O upgrade with Tom on the phone walking me through it, then Kitz literally bullying me over the phone into the Mass Air upgrade, bigger cam, and the hot rod parts I was questionable about installing. Glad I listened to them. I was extremely limited on knowledge on a LOT of things when I joined here a decade or so ago. Through the years, this has remained the best forum I could be a part of, and with the best people. Looking forward to the next ten years........Thanks again guys.